Chapter 2

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Nyx were pacing in the corridors, with rage and annoyance all over her face. Different silver and golden decorations hung on the walls, on the shelves; some paintings even had golden and silver frames. Because gold was not perceive by Lyrenians like humans, It was simply a matter like iron and bronze, But because of its shiny color, it was used for artworks, Lyrenians seemed enjoy investing in this field. She got in front of a large black wooden door, she took her right hand out which was previously in the pocket of her trousers. She was still holding her gloves in her hands. She pressed it against the frame of the door. The door simply exploded; the sound of it echoed trough the whole hallway.

The entrance suffered from a catastrophe; it was broke, sparkles and ashes dancing in the air, Nyx went trough the smoke and finally was 'welcomed' inside.

« Where are your manners, brat ? » said a white skinned woman with blonde curls.

« Buried, along with the last victim i portraied » she said coldly, rewearing her glove. 'Now, which one of us has lack of manners' She tought, noticing that the same person who's merely offended by a blown up door, is now sitting with her legs spread etiquettely on the round table.

« Quiet, Madmoiselle Lucine » the man with a brown moustach, replied. He was holding a cup of coffee, slowly mixing with spoon. « I understand that you have a weird hoby of messing with people, but can you consider our serious conditions » He then pointed to the furthest corner in the room, where sat a man apparently enjoying the show, that because he was smiling, without blinking, even when the door exploded. Beside him was Ellura, standing as if she was his bodyguard, but also calmly, she wasn't fazed by the whole scene.

« Now, now, every one, we have another guest for today, Nyx; i hope you understand, that violence is not always the answer, but you have to blow something everytime, you never grow up. »

« I believe you will overlook it again this time, Darius , important things came up, and out of urgency i did what i did » Nyx finally had time to give them a piece of her mind « Mind explaining why was i brought here, even though i know you are against me roaming freely, doing any thing at all. Again, an invitation to a ceremony as silly as this, why would you force me to come, to insult me more?»

The room that was dark once finally got its lights back on, Thanks to Grace who lighted the candles that were blown off, simply by pointing at them.

People who enter this room are selected throughoutly; the purple-suit, Grace, Ellura, The so-called Lucine, the man with the mustache called Nile and the least pleasant person, Nacht. All important ones gathered. In one room, to discuss politics, and Nyx went to this particular place, because they are the highest ranked people in Lyrenia. Above them Diarus the closest of them to be called a KING, because of him morphs even had the luxury of being freed from the clutches of greedy sorcers of Earth. Altough, he isn't feeling any better by the day just as Nile mentioned, but that was a story for another time.

They are the unit responsible of traitors, dangerous beings, and protection of the Core. She was ... a dangerous being, so she was under their surveillance.

« Nyx, listen.. » Grace tried to speak first.

« No, i won't listen. I just wanna undertsand why drag me here, to look at you folks, making disicions about me in front of my eyes » Nyx took her gloved hand, and started inspecting the new decorations, paintings and furniture around them, moving slowly, and making sure that her shoes, make the loudest noise posssible.

« No, that is not the case, hun.. » Ellura tried to speak but she got cut off

« Every single time, i pass trough a decent number of questioning and inspection, but for how much more » she said remembering them locking her more than once for 15 years, or was it 16.

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