Chapter 1

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 «Well, you seem very burdened », said a voice of a woman to the blue haired girl. The later wasn't facing, her, but instead, she was looking at the painting in front of her. The old blonde woman spoke from behind her again. She continued « You keep staring at that painting, does it captivate you somehow?» she smirked at the end, the face streching to emphasize on her age.

The girl turned around to answer; she has fair skin, and light blue eyes. « Nothing, in particular, it's certainly ugly» blurted the girl, apparently not amused with how vivid and colorful the painting was.

« Oh!! It's Begonie's . Your tastes aren't the same, i understand it, but lively things are more popular. Why don't you try to do so too» The two now were side to side, the woman approached the girl who returned to her last position.

« Art is only beautiful when it's dark » she debated.

« That's why you drew a corpse over there » the blonde woman pointed, with her finger, at a painting that was cover in white cloth, just beside a warning of its content.

« It's not a corpse » she paused to continue for a second « the sorcer was still taking his last breaths by the time i finished painting it »

« As expected from your typical villainess », the blonde one mused.

« yeah, really» the girl now fully faced the woman while folding her arms around her chest and making sure to roll her eyes dramatically. She was wearing a suit, while her hand was hidden in black leather gloves.

« Anyhow the emergency meeting is sure not deciding to start anytime soon? Seriously, do you know how tired i am... »

« Before you start whining again young lady, let me tell you the assembly is the one in charge, so if you want to rant, their office is right in this building. »

« Sure, but he's there.. You're one of them too, so it counts » She mumbeled to herself.

« Hello, ma'am! » said a high-pitched voice of a boy. He was light-skinned; he stopped by the two brushing his short messy blond hair from his eyes. An attractive pair of black eyes met Nyx's.

« Ivan! » Grace said « How are you holding up? »

« You're the errand-boy » Nyx raised her brow and asked before he answered Grace; he was a new face to her. 'Grace did good job in selecting him, being pleasant to the eyes is such a skill' she tought.

« Yes, I am! » He answered. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something « Are you called upon to the anoucement? Because they said they're starting soon »

« Don't tell you're running around the whole castellette to inform everyone » she said, with pity in her voice. 'Poor boy, got the worst of jobs'

« I am in fact checking everyone has came» he said, and got a clipboard out « What's your name please?" he asked.

« Nyx» she answered, and looked up to her in surprise.

« No way" he shouted "I met the real Sombra» he put a hand on his chest.

« Not scared for your own life? » Nyx asked with a cold gaze. 'Now I know I have a fan' she tought, smiling to hersekf, inwardly.

« What are you still waiting for, to kiss you a good-bye? » said the old woman, snapping them both out of their conversation.

« Yes, i really would like a kiss from an old woman » She added sarcastically.

The sound of a hit echoed trough the corridor, this was Grace who slapped Nyx on the head.

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