Chapter 3

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Lyrenia was an abandonned island that humans feared and stayed distant from it, although they didn't call it by its name, they knew about its existance.

However, no one knew how it's like, or rather no one lived to tell the tale.

Grace, was the creator of this society, she made this simple looking island into a base for morphs, to live peacefully.

The morphs can't be trusted to coexist with the humans, it is because morphs, other than being humanoid creatures who can transform to monsters, with grey skin, red eyes and sharp teeth. They are driven by a lust for human flesh.

Grace understood well, she knew that the humans and morphs can't live next to each other, and if she didn't isolate them from humans, one will conquer the other.

Sorcery and witchcraft, the main concern of morphs, and the only weapon humans have against them, was in fact still spreading in the earth. Although, morphs can benefit from some of the magical energy, humans always have an upper hand in this field.

So, morphs can't also trust humans also, that's because of the tragic history of the supreme witch, or rather whom morphs prefer to call the wicked witch.

After her death, they managed to escape the claws of her followers, and fled to Grace's greatest creation, Lyrenia, a land nourished by magic energy, and protected by its core. The barrier surrounding it keep the curious humans away, and keeps the young morphs secure inside, away from harm, away from humans.This Core was preserved in a Castellite where lived the noble Lyrenians.

Just like humans, Lyrenians have a class of nobility, this not being identified by their riches, because in Lyrenia there's no such thing as money systems. Lyrenia's nobility is mainly driven by glory, accomplishements and heoric acts.

Only people who were described by heros had the authority over it. First comes Diarus who lead the Lyrenians to freedom, he who is considered the KING was loved and appreciated. After his victory he fell victim to the wicked witches curse, resulting in his infamous injury in his back.

His injury never prevented him for serving lyrenians as their leader, but it was obvious that it's taking a tool on his health. It was proven to be impossible to heal him, surely after Grace had trouble at that, all she can do for her master was to ease the pains it causes him. No body other than her saw the actual prints of the injury, but since it was a black magic scar, it was obvious that the curse manifested as a tattoo in his back, of a black tree with heavily branched tree.

Grace, although she was said to join Lyrenia after the escape from the witch, she had deserved the title of the 'ultimate mage', because of her contributions. Which made the more people respect her, because among nobility, there were only the assembly members and some noticeable individuals, who were mostly morphs.

The assembly is the cell that is responsible of making big decisions, they consist of people who were present at the time of the wicked witch. Each of them had their job in Lyrenia, and togeher they discuss every little matter concerning the safety of the morphs.

In summary, nobles were the only ones permitted to live at the Castellite, and morphs were provided other lodgings away from the core, since the energy given by the Core was a substitute to eating there was no worries about food. All they had to do was growing and work for the nobles after their maturity.

So that's why, the assembly's invitation to train in the Castellite grounds was a surprise to everyone. It also was alarming, because it may convey that this mission is of great risk and importance. Not only that but the person who was responsible of supervising the training was none other than Nacht, a member of the assembly and the official guardian of Lyrenia.

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