Chapter 4

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« So you're telling me, that all the training last month is about to be halted, and we're going to start the real search » Nyx said.

It was true that it has been a month since the trainings halted, since then Nyx and Azra had been alternating between the regular morphs trainings, and their mage training. They have been advancing slowly in the process, but learning enough spells, they even have basic knowledge on 'magic wounds' which is the hardest to learn.

« That's what they said » Grace sighed and went to check Nyx's new potion. This one merely is used as an energiser potion.

« You look tired » Azra mentioned.

« who ? me ? no, not at all » Grace shrugged it off. Upon hearing that Nyx removed her monocle and looked at Grace.

« You must be visiting Diarus often then » Nyx said. « You know, you can just let him be. It's not helping much anyway »

« You want me to stop healing him, how can he go on doing his duties then ? » Grace snapped, most likely because of her fatigue.

Nyx was not fazed, wheras Azra was surprised to see Grace in that state. After all she was known to be collected and calm.

« You're just feeding him of your life energy, right ? Does he even know that ? » Nyx still argued, seeing the ridiculous sacrifice Grace was offering.

« As i said, the trainings are halted » Grace brushed her hands on her hair « so this the last of your sessions with me. I hope you learned something useful » she said, and left ignoring Nyx's objections.


« Nyxx, the assembly are actually showing » Elio whispered in Nyxx's ear.

« Yeah, they said they will show up » She answered, rolling her eyes.

« This is the first time we see them all here. » Nilan added.

« Well, i don't see your father » Nyx said, not seeing Nile and Lucine with the other assembly members.

The assembly, were none other than the same people present during that time in the room, Nyx knew them all by name, other than a cloaked person who was well hidden in the shadows behind her brother.

« I appreciate your hard work during the last month, and i apologize for the delay. Now we all must work hard to fulfill our goal » he said, looking all hale and hearty. It's all because of Grace's life energy.

« The humanoids... You must know who are they by now, They're just artificial morphs, who were taken hostage by humans, and exploited to their benefits» he explained. « Thanks to that sorcers are able to hunt them and continue their wicked experiments on them. So that's why we should find them first and bring them to Lyrenia. Although they are like us, they can't control their morphing, that puts them in much dangers to being exposed. »

« Remember me from last time » The sweet voice of Ellura grabbed everyone's attetion back, « There is something you should all take note of. It's this device right here. It's a signal generator, and You'll know later what it's made for » she said holding an item that looked like a watch.

The process of handing the signal generators didn't last that long, despite the great number of the masses gathered in hall.

« Now, every one has their own items, we need to make sure you understand some points » Ellura said « But i will let Nacht handle the presentation »

« Every one of you know the crucial necessity of staying undercover and avoid shady sorcers, even if it's impossible to escape them, we have an important advantage, That being the actual state of earth, since the humans are living an apocalyptic life, with constant fear of extarmination. Not long ago, the earth has been devided into little parts called 'domes', but thanks to their rough buildings, theymanaged to escape some. And now, domes with the ability to withstand the rough climates and protect against outside dangers, were made and there aren't many of them, making it very easy for us to inspect them, the only problem we have is that we wouldn't have problem to sneak in two individuals at most, but we are in need of more, because even if there aren't many domes, we will have to send in a lot of morphs, to actually be able to catch the humanoid » He said confidently, in one breath. And when he stoppedthe hall was silent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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