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  *a couple of days later*

  * auroras pov*

     It's been a couple of days and I've spent a lot of my time thinking about the date idea I have planned for Julianna.

  I take roses and spread them all over the hotel room floor.

  I pour white wine into two pretty wine glasses and set them down on the table that was on the balcony of the room.

I make sure the roses are in a line leading to the balcony.

And I wait for Julianna to get here.


*Julianna's pov*

I get a call from the future love of my life, my already basically wife, you know my wife.

Aurora, duhh.

*I answer her call*

"Hey roraa"

"Helloo baby, I have a surprise for you"


"Someone's getting a little bold, don't you think?" Aurora asks.

"Maybe you're just rubbing off on me," I say trying to plead my case.

"Maybe you just want me to rub on you"

"I can hear the smirk in your voice, Rora"

*Aurora laughs*

"I do have a surprise for you though, baby"

"OMG I know what it is now"


"Is it gonna be you naked on a bed?"

"Hm maybe, come find out!"

"I'm coming."


I make my way inside of the hotel Aurora sent me the location of. Is this finally gonna be the date she was talking about?? I sure hope so.

I twist the handle to the door of the room she sent me the number of.

It's dark when I open the door so I turn the lights on to see roses spread all over the floor leading to an open balcony door, but I don't see Rora anywhere?

I close the door behind me and make my way to the balcony noticing the empty bed in the corner of the room.

Woww what a liar. She was in fact NOT naked on the bed.

As I out the balcony door, Aurora jumps out of nowhere and scares me.

I fell on the floor and landed straight on the ground.

Woww okk. What a great start to a first date right? I think as Aurora brings her arm out to help me up.

"Why would you do thatt???" I question.

"I'm sorry baby doll, I didn't expect you to fall on the ground," she says with a giggle.

"You're not sorry"

*she gives me a deep and slightly long kiss on my lips*

"Does that prove it?"

"Hm maybe, but maybe you should give me another one to make sure," I say as I pull her back into me for another kiss.


We somehow made in into the hotel bed, while still being in the middle of a kiss.

I moan as Aurora bites my bottom lip.

I reach my hands into her shirt and start pulling her shirt up, just as a loud buzz echos through the room.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Just ignore it," Aurora says as she's sucking on the area in the middle of my neck.

I go back to attempting to take off Auroras shirt again just as the buzz happens for the second time.

"I think that's your phone, Rora," I tell her.

"Fine, I'm not finish with you baby but I'll be right back," Aurora says as she leaves the room to answer a phone call.

As she's leaving the room I get up to take a look around the room. It really was a beautiful set up. It's a shame we never got to use any of it. I wonder who was calling her?

*8 minutes later*

Aurora comes back into the room. But I can tell something's different. I think whoever called her must have pissed her off or something.

"Are you ok?" I ask her.

"Yeah I'm good," Aurora says as she's putting her shoes on.

"Where are you going?"

"Look I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow ok? And don't worry the room is already paid for, alright?"

"Ok I guess?" I say as I'm pretty sad that she has to go.

I watch her leave and lay in the bed wondering if I had done something wrong. Maybe she doesn't want to speak to me anymore. Maybe she found somebody better than me. She's probably somewhere pleasing another woman right now. Woww. I think as I'm slowly falling asleep.


Heyy guys so I'm probably gonna update like every once in a while now I'm ngl. This chapter is soo long Gosh damn. I didn't even mean to do that and once I noticed it was a little long I was gonna end up breaking this chapter into like two or something but I don't feel like doing all that😭 also this is irrelevant but there's a boy at my school. He's in the 12th grade and he got accepted into Harvard. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Like wtf he's literally so smart like how?? And my school had like a little meeting to celebrate all the seniors going to college and when I found out that boy was going to Harvard, I've decided to make him my inspiration to keep going because just one question like how??

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