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He left the room leaving the other one in a daze. She sat on the bed placing her elbows on her knees and facepalmed. "what was that? what were you doing y/n? this is so wrong. what's happening with me?"

she was breathing heavily. "come back to your senses y/n" she shook her head and stood up to have her dinner.

She exited her room and came downstairs wearing a Black night suit. Jungkook who was sitting on the dining chair looked up from his phone and met her gaze. He smiled a little and she smiled back.

"Oh my God Jungkook, you made all these??" She gasped looking at the dishes. Bibimbap, Japchae, Kimchi and Soup. She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are you crazy? Who cooks all these and so fast??" He scratched the back of his neck giggling. "it was easy for me" he shrugged making the other one sigh heavily.

"Gosh Jungkook" She couldn't help the overwhelming feeling increasing inside her chest. She pursed her lips together before running towards his side and wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him from the back.

His heart beat fastened. He placed his hand on her forearms smilingly. Their cheeks were glued to each other as she softly swung them. She placed a kiss on his cheeks making him blush. He cleared his throat before saying "you happy?" "so much" she replied. Her palms went down and she caressed his chest softly.

How much she wanted to stay like that but she immediately backed away realizing everything. He looked back confused. She cleared her throat and tucked the strand behind her ear before saying "we should eat. I'm so hungry" she pouted and sat in front of him.

He served the food. She smiled brightly and looked at him with glistening eyes. "Hey No No No No" He panicked knowing she would cry anytime soon.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." she giggled and looked up, shook her head to hold back the tears.

"hey" He ran towards her and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around his torso. He bent down and placed a soft kiss on her head before saying. "don't cry"

"I'm not" she said muffled.

"I know you are, so stop that" He warned her to receive a soft chuckle.

"yeah yeah" she looked up to meet his gaze, arms still wrapped around him.

"thank you" she said in a low voice.

He smiled. His thumb caressed her forehead.

She was beyond happy. Someone prepared dinner for her after a long time. Their gazes locked. He could find a little happiness in that. He was grateful for it.

"now let's eat, I'm so excited" she said breaking the hug. He smiled and returned to his seat

She took a bite and closed her eyes feeling the food in her mouth. All the time he was looking at him with his doe eyes full of curiosity and with a smile on his lips.

"how's it?" he asked nervously when she opened her eyes.

"Jungkook~" she whined.

"it's so so so good" she looked at him amazed.

"is it?"

"any doubt? you're a great cook and you know what? you're so much better than me. I don't even know how to cook all these. I'm not a Korean you know" he hummed.

"ayeee why aren't you eating?" she asked as she took a spoon full of Bibimbap and placed it in front of his mouth.

"say aaa" He chuckled looking at her cute actions.

"Who knows a business tycoon can act like this?" he said while eating.

"even I'm shocked that i can still behave like this" she shrugged looking down smiling sadly.

The Idol She Loved (Taekook × Reader) Where stories live. Discover now