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They reached Banglore in a private flite in two hours and it took an hour more to reach the village where the riots were going on against the pipeline tender of their companies.

Ram and Seetha got out with Sanju behind them walking towards the people gathered there "What's going on? Why are you rebelling now?"

"So you're the owner! Give us the lands back" One of the men said.

"Why should we? You have agreed for the project and gave us your lands already. So you've to keep away from our work now" Seetha stated.

"We don't care about all that! Give us our lands back" All the men said together

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"We don't care about all that! Give us our lands back" All the men said together.

"No way! You signed the documents too" Sanju handed the papers to Seetha who showed it to everyone.

"We know madam!" A man in his early fifties walked towards them and snatched the papers smiling creepily "But we signed because you forced us and didn't even pay us enough! That's why we are here".

"He's the village head sir" Sanju mumbled.

"Oh! So this is all about money huh? How much do you want?" Seetha folded her arms.

"Now you are on the same path as me madam. I just want ten percent on this project" The village head said.

"And what if we don't give it?" Ram questioned seriously.

The village head shrugged "Simple! The villagers will rebel against you and the project will stop with the case running in the court".

Seetha smiled and bent a little forward  "I will not pay you even fifty cents go to hell".

The village head turned serious and looked between Ram and Seetha "You don't know what you're getting yourself into".

"Let's go talk somewhere" Ram insisted.

Seetha glared at Ram "There's nothing to talk about to this leech".

"Hello! Go back and stand two men are talking here" The head of the village looked at Seetha as if she was thing to be thrown away.

Seetha stepped back while Ram and Sanju tried to explain the legalities but one of the men in the rebel group walked towards the houses and screamed "If you don't go from here I'll kill myself" and put a knife to his throat.

Everyone looked at him as if he has gone mad while Ram and Sanju tried stopping him "Listen this is not right way! Stop this at once or we'll have to call the police".

"No! Get the hell out of here and return our plots back or I'll die" The man threatened putting the kinfe closer.

Suddenly they heard a horn making people immediately part and the bulldozer sped towards the suicidal man making him scream in horror and jump away in the last second as the bulldozer drove in the direction of the houses destroying them.

The bulldozer destroyed the first row of the houses compeltely and turned around before driving towards where the village head was standing with Ram. Ram just stood there looking at it while the head of the village stepped back in fear that it'll hit him for sure.

The bulldozer stopped a foot away from Ram and the door opened revealing Seetha who got down from the driver seat walking towards the head and warned him "Next time you try going against us or threaten us the bulldozer will come at your home" and then turned to the villagers "If you want to protest and waste your time you can but remember you can never win this because you've already sold your lands. If you're doing this just because of the influence of some money minded fools go back home because you'll not be getting any extra money so get the hell out of here".

Her warnings made everyone scared and disperse while the village head looked at  her "Do you think this is your city? You better be careful from now on".

Seetha laughed "The one who should be careful is you because you don't even know what I'm capable of doing".

"I'll see you" The village head gritted out and walked away.

Seetha rolled her eyes and faced Ram "You really need to learn how to man up" and walked to the car leaving a very shocked Sanju who was looking at his boss.

Ram looked at the commotion before him "Have you arranged for our stay?"

Sanju cleared his throat "Y-Yes sir! I'll take you there" and followed Ram to the car.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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