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So I haven't had any time to proof read this part because of finals. If you see any grammar issues please comment to let me know. Anyways enjoy the story.

Asuma walked into the room slowly followed by a clone of Kurenai. Standing before the Raikage's in office he did his to control his breathing. He stood before a Kage right now. A Kage he knew did not like him. Standing at the Raikage's side was his assistant Mabui.

Raikage A stood tall showing off his upper body with only a loose-fitting Jacket to hide it. His body was muscular with weights on his arms and a golden belt around his waist. He had blond hair combed back along with a small moustache and goatee. His assistant Mabui wore a simple long dress with long white hair. Both of them like most people in Kumo had a rich black skin.

"Hello Lord Raikage I have been sent to your Village by Hokage Tsunade," Asuma introduced himself. "Of course, you were sent here by your Hokage otherwise you wouldn't have the balls to stand before me," said A the Raikage. Although Asuma was offended by such a comment he didn't let it show.

Keeping a fake smile on his face, he began to speak. "I am Asuma Sarutobi son of Hiruzen Sarutobi, Third Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. I have been sent to deliver you a warning-" "A warning are you daring to threaten me," said A his charka flaring out from his body. It seemed to burst with lightning and power. "That would be a deadly mistake."

"Lord Raikage please let him finish I doubt that was what he was talking about," said Mabui used to such a sight. Asuma, not being used to it on the other hand, could feel sweat rolling down his face at such a show of strength. "Yes, I was not trying to threaten you. I am trying to warn you of an organize called the Akatsuki."

"The mercenary group. They're no threat to us. Maybe to you weak Leaf ninja but my proud and strong Cloud ninjas can deal with them with ease," scoffed the Raikage. "Maybe, but once they complete their goal of getting every Tailed Beast no nation will be able to challenge them," said Asuma.

"Hold on that means-" "Yes both your brother Bee and Yugito are being hunted down as we speak." "My brother and Yugito are safe and strong enough to look after themselves. If the Akatsuki go after them they will be the ones that die," stated A. Asuma looked at A realizing how true what Kurenai had told him was. He really would not take this warning to heart no matter what he said. But he needed to get to him or at least buy some more time for Kurenai.

"Tell me are they Kage level. The Kazekage himself was taken down by them. Do you really think that they are above the level of a Kage." said Asuma. This was his last card he had to get the Raikage to really think but it didn't work. "The Kazekage isn't even a man yet, I doubt he's even started shaving. Saying that boy is on the level of a Kage is stupid. He isn't even Jonin level." claimed A.

"Very well then, I shall take my leave lord Raikage. Please listen to my warning though. This is a matter of the utmost importance." said Asuma as he turned to leave the room. This hadn't gone the way he wanted at all now he could only hope that he bought enough time for Kurenai to find out where the Jinchurikis were.

Kurenai did her best not to breathe as the guard passed by again. She had thought that breaking into the mission room would be easy, but it was the complete opposite. There were always two guards patrolling around. That didn't leave any time for her to start checking the mission files. She already found where Yugito mission file was, but she just couldn't get a chance to investigate it.

"I need to distract them, but I can't use another jutsu and keep up my invisibility at the same time. If I move an object or push something now, I'm not sure that I can escape after I do that let alone read her mission files. Even if I was to throw a kunai at something they would probably call for backup," worried Kurenai. In that moment, though a sudden idea struck her.

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