seven | booker

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"Thank you for staying with me," I said, opening the door of my car so that I could climb down. I glanced back at Cara and gave her a small smile. "Have a safe drive, okay?"

She mirrored the smile and nodded. "Thanks for lending me your car."


"And stop crying." She said, gesturing to her eyes. "Your eyes are already swollen. Kendall doesn't deserve you, babe. You should always know that."

I only gave her a firm nod before I closed the door. I stepped a few steps back to allow her to drive out of my property. Cara honked at me for the last time as she slowly rolled out of my sight.

We both spent a few hours in Malibu until we realized it was dark enough to stay out, so we decided to head home. She insisted on a dinner but I refused, not really having the appetite to eat after everything that had been going on. And besides, the last thing I want is some paparazzi bugging me for the nth time today.

My social media has blown out after my accident earlier. A lot of people showed their sympathy by reposting the horrible picture of me crying outside my car a few seconds after I bumped into the bridge. I didn't have the energy to respond so I ignored every single one of the messages sent my way. Including my manager's and PR team.

I walked inside the house, only to be greeted by my siblings in the living room. I didn't expect anything from the previously furious Bella but she ran towards me before I could even try to utter a single word.

Bella engulfed me into a tight hug and sobbed in my eyes, repeatedly saying the word sorry. Gigi pouted at me as both she and Anwar came over to us, joining in the hug. She probably flew in earlier when I wasn't home.

"I'm sorry I took so much of your time. All of this wouldn't have happened if I only closed my mouth," Anwar sincerely apologized, softly running his fingers on my blonde hair.

I nodded, "It wasn't your fault. You didn't know."

"I'm so sorry for lashing out and screaming at you, but not sorry I said all of those. It was true." The ever soft-hearted Bella said. She pulled away from me, wiping away her tears. "You didn't deserve anything that happened to you today."

"I know that." I sighed.

"There's something we need to tell you," Gigi started as we broke out of each other. She guided me towards the couch and made me sit next to her. She had this ominous look on her face that scared me. "Kendall's currently being held hostage by her company because she just disobeyed your contract."

God, I know where this is going.

"She was captured with Devin Booker at a bar in Santa Monica earlier. Their pictures were quite too steamy to not give the people the reason to believe that your relationship is just a PR stunt."

My heart just fell into the deepest part of my stomach. I held my breath in for a few seconds before I breathed out a shaky sigh. I bounced my knees up and down, looking at Bella. She looked back at me and shakily bit her lower lip.

"Well, not like I expected anything." I stifled a laugh. "It was going to end like that one way or another."

"I know that you like her—"

"I like a lot of people." I smiled. "I guess I should talk to Kaia about this."

Gigi loosened her grip on the back of my shirt. I stood up from the couch, walking towards the end of the room where I had our house phone. I dialed Kaia's number and waited for her to pick up.

After about four rings, she finally answers the call.

"Sam, I have been—"

"Calling me, probably, but my phone died so there's that." I interrupted her rant. "Listen, Kai, I called in to tell you that I want out of this PR stunt as soon as possible."

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