Chapter 131 : Awanti

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" we do nothing?" Shrutakarma asks looking at his brothers.

Everyone looks at Prativindhya who also has the same troubled expression.

"I mean...this is complicated..." Sutasoma mutters.

"This is between husband and wife. Besides what are we supposed to say to Pitashree Arjuna?" Satanika scratches his head.

"Like please let our Mata go. Our fathers are in really bad shape," Shrutakarma mumbles.

"I would rather have my head rolling than saying those to our parents. Maa will toss me in Ganga," Prativindhya says shuddering.

"Jyest, I think it would be best if we stay out of this," Shrutasena says.

"But Maa is basically imprisoned by Pitashree Arjuna. What do we do?" Shrutakarma asks.

"Mamashree said to give this situation some time. And Maa has also talked with him. As Maa isn't doing anything for the time being, we should take the que to not do anything. Sometimes some situations only need time to be normal," Shrutasena says.

"You are right," Prativindhya sighs.

Satanika suddenly gets excited, "Want to pick sides, Karma?"

"Shut up!" Sutasoma chops his head from behind.

"Why are you still here? You are supposed to travel to north today," Prativindhya flicks Satanika's forehead.

"Ouch...I am going. I just needed to let you all see my handsome face so you don't miss it very much," Satanika turns into his dramatic ways.

Sutasoma rolls his eyes. He refuses to believe that he is anyway related to this kid.

Satanika takes the blessings of his elder brothers.

"Oi, don't so anything reckless before I come back. Stay away from Sena. People about to get married gets too poetic. They are bad for your head," Satanika ruffles Abhimanyu's head.

"Have you seen Maa?" Prativindhya asks.

"Nope, I am starting my greetings from youngest to oldest," Satanika jumps around before leaving the chamber.

"You can't blame me if one day I drown him in Ganga," Sutasoma says to Prativindhya.

Scoffing Prativindhya returns to his work.

"Ask permission if I can enter," Satanika says to the guards outside his mother's chamber.

"Yuvraj, we are forbidden to enter," the guards informs nervously.

Samragni has instructed them her sons can always enter. But Yuvraj Arjuna has completely forbidden anyone entering the chamber without asking for permission.

"I am not going without seeing my mother. MAAAAAAAA," Satanika uses all his vocal strength and screams.

A few minutes later the door was opened by Draupadi.

"Maa, I couldn't even enter your chamber," Satanika pouts complaining.

Draupadi's face falls in sadness. Arjuna didn't forbid her sons to come but they are the ones who don't know how to approach her with all the guards and kind of imprisonment state.

"Why can't you? You six don't need permission," Draupadi throws a look at the guard and takes Satanika inside.

It's lunch time. Satanika sees Arjuna already seated with the food. Maybe they were having meal. Draupadi makes Satanika sit as well.

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