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Anna's POV

3 minutes

I took a deep breath.

This was it.

A familiar feeling coursed through me.

I closed my eyes.

Stage fright.

2 minutes

My heart was racing. Breathe, I thought. Just breathe. In and out. In and out.

I shifted from foot to foot.

In and out.

As I grasped the microphone with my trembling hand, a tiny tinkling sound chimed against its metal surface.

The ring.

I looked at my adorned finger, a comforting anchor in the sea of anxiety and uncertainty.


He was there tonight, just as he once had been in Prague, in that petit student bar where we played with Johnny and our band.  Though it felt like ages ago, the memory was as vivid as if it were yesterday.

I remembered Max standing in the crowd, holding a beer in his hand and smiling faintly when our eyes met. That night I sang my heart out for him and tonight, I was ready to sing for him again.

This was it.

1 minute.

I gulped.

My dream was about to come true. Thanks to Max, because of Max...for Max.


Max's POV

"How are y'all feeling tonight?" the rapper sent the audience into a frenzy.

"Haha, yeah, good, I've got a little surprise for y'all tonight ya know!" another eruption of cheers followed.

I looked around me. They were all there: Daniel with I still don't remember her name, Lando, both Ferrari boys, even Hamilton was there. At first, he stood aside by himself, only greeting us with a nod, but I beckoned him to come join us. He was one of us, right?

I decided to put an end to our disputes once and for all and to leave the past in the past. Whether I liked it or not, he was there to stay - in the world of Formula One and in Anna's world, too, along with the other drivers.

And for the first time, I didn't mind. I knew how important it was for her that they all came when her friends from the Czech Republic couldn't. We were in LA, after all, 10 thousand kilometres from her hometown. Yeah. LA. She had made it.

"I have a new song, yeah, and you'll be the first one to hear it!"

"I think this is it," Daniel nudged me.

"But I won't be here all alone!"

The whole arena buzzed with excitement.

"Yeah, that's right. I won't be alone. You might have heard of her already, but I guarantee you, if you haven't, she'll absolutely blow your mind, yeah, just like she blew mine."

This was it.

"I need you to give it up for my girl, Anna!"

The lights dimmed. Only a spotlight shone on the stage as it began to ascend to the deafening applause of the audience.

"There she is!" Charles pointed towards the stage and they all began whistling and clapping.

There she was, emerging from the depths below, she stood motionless like a sculpture of an ancient goddess.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence. She looked ethereal. Her hair cascaded in gentle waves down her back from her ponytail, drawing all the eyes to her provocative and yet refined outfit. All black, the core of the ensemble was high-waisted panties and above a minimalist bra, each accentuating Anna's sensual curves. However, her body was draped in sheer mesh, adding a layer of glitter sparkling with her every movement.

"Alright, let's hit it!" Travis shouted and the band started playing again.

"Fucking hell," I heard Lando exclaim, but my attention was solely on Anna. Stepping down the stairs on the podium, she raised the microphone to her lips and her singing filled the arena. I watched her effortlessly captivate the audience, her angelic voice casting a spell on us all. She was a witch, an enchantress. The way she moved, the way she danced, the way she sang as if singing directly to our souls. We were hers.

She was born for the stage. She owned the stage. She was confident, she was fierce, she was...fucking  incredible. And she was mine. My Anna. An overwhelming sense of pride and love washed over me. I remembered the time I first heard her sing. Sitting behind the piano, you're the one that I love, she sang and that night in Prague I realized that for me she was the one and only I loved. Forever and ever.

We will see what the future holds for us, but one thing I know for sure - that I'm already looking forward to every next moment spent by Anna's side from this day forward, for better or worse, till death us do part my Anna, Anna Verstappen.

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