Chapter Two: Dead Ringer

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   On the road, Rachel twiddled the necklace on her neck. Her mind reflected on when she first met Dominic. It was at that very fountain that Rachel studied when she got bored at the library or when she needed some fresh air. She was writing her draft paper for a project for Professor Taine's class. Josie called her to see if she wanted to hang out. Rachel asked if she would meet her instead and she agreed. When Josie arrived at the fountain, Rachel noticed she gripped a rectangular, black case in her right hand. She didn't bother to question her about it as Josie sat next to her on the fountain edge and began to chat. Josie announced that her first cousin, Shantel, was having her wedding this coming weekend. They were talking about the wedding dress and how the couple met when Dominic arrived. Rachel thought nothing of him at first. She assumed it was just one of Josie's friends that happened to be around.

"Here's your saxophone," Josie said, pointing at the big black box. "It's good as new from the shop."

"Thanks," he replied and glanced at Rachel before picking up the saxophone. "Shantel wants to speak with you."

"Then she can call me; she knows my number," Josie replied.

"She tried several times, but she said you didn't answer," Dominic replied. Josie narrowed her eyes, puzzled. She then groped for her phone in her backpack.

"Oh no, it's dead," Josie said. "Can I borrow yours?"

"Sure," he replied, removing his phone from his left pocket. Josie took it and told Rachel she would be back. Dominic sat right on the fountain edge and took the initiative to speak to her. Rachel thought he seemed sweet and friendly, as he, with curiosity, asked what she was writing. For a while they spoke to each other, forgetting about Josie all together. It was from their conversation that Rachel discovered Dominic wasn't Josie's friend, but her brother, her fraternal twin brother. Thought Josie discussed she was involved in her church a lot in both her adolescent and teen years, she hadn't told Rachel she was a preacher's kid. Rachel asked Dominic about his saxophone and he told her his major was music and he got a scholarship to attend this school. He also informed her he played in a jazz club. Rachel was instantly intrigued with him, and he was enthralled by her as he invited her to his next jazz gig at the student pub. Josie finally came back after twenty-five minutes, disappointed.

"She wants me to help her choose another bridesmaid's dress," Josie said, upset. "Can you believe it?"

"I have nothing to say about it," Dominic said with a smirk. Rachel was attracted to his smile already. He said bye before he stood up, and Josie returned his cell and took his place.

"Sorry about leaving you with him," Josie said to her. "I hope he wasn't annoying."

"No," Rachel said, smitten. "Not at all."

"Are you okay?" Josie asked her.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a brother—a twin, might I add?" Rachel said swiftly, hoping she detracted Josie from her previous question.

"I thought I did, didn't I?" Josie said.

"No, you didn't," Rachel said. They talked about it for a short moment, then diverged to another subject. The last thing Rachel asked Josie before she left her at the fountain was Dominic's phone number.

Once Rachel's mind stepped off of memory lane, she realized she was already at her apartment complex, which wasn't far from school. Most of the people that lived in the complex were students just like herself. Rachel handed her access card to Dominic as he lowered his driver's window and swiped it at a metal box. Rachel retrieved from him as they waited for the double iron gates to squeak open.

Rachel glanced at the sky from the windshield; it was now completely dark. At both sides the streetlights shone down on the road within and outside the complex. The gate parted and Dominic drove inside, taking a right turn. The apartment façades were to the left side while the carport-like parking lot was on the right. Rachel strapped on her backpack and stepped out while Dominic lifted her bike out of the boot. The silver necklace dangled on her neck as Rachel gave it one last touch and walked to the back of the car. They gave each other a light kiss on the lips before they departed. He got back in his car and gave her a small good-bye wave before he drove on.

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