Chapter Four: Heartbroken

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She reached the apartment complex in fifteen minutes. Once she unlocked the door and entered, for some strange reason she wanted to call her mother, to check up on her. She pressed the number on her cell and waited as it rang. Her mother didn't answer. Rachel didn't think this was too alarming. She was probably busy with work. Rachel almost called Alex, but then thought about how busy he was with school and friends, so she rejected the idea. She would've called her father, but she didn't want to give him any reason to think something might be wrong.

She slouched into the couch and flung her cell phone beside her. She was about to switch on the television when the phone rang, which made her wince. She glared at it and noticed the number flashing was an unknown. Rachel wondered who it was as she hesitated, not certain whether to answer or not. But she went with her gut instinct and picked up her cell, answering it.

"Who is it?" Rachel said, trying to sound as calm and normal as possible.

"It's me, babe," Dominic said. "I left my cell at the dorm and I couldn't wait to hear your voice so I called you from my friend's phone. I've been practicing with my jazz group."

"Yeah," Rachel said with a sigh of relief. "So how did your practice go?"

"Pretty well, actually," Dominic said. "Hopefully we'll do well at the competition next Saturday— Are you okay? You sound a bit nervous."

Rachel wasn't too surprised he read her well. The bitsy unease feelings about Caroline's death hadn't fully left her mind; neither had that person in the dark. Yet her logical side kept telling her not to worry about these things.

"There—there's nothing wrong, just tired, that's all," Rachel said, trying to sound relaxed again.

"Okay, hope I didn't wake you up or something," Dominic said. Rachel heard an incoherent voice that seemed to be talking to Dominic.

"No, you didn't. I just got home—"

"Sorry, babe, but I have to go; he wants his cell back. I'll probably call you back when I get mine."

"You don't have to. I think I'll be in bed by then." She yawned, although she wasn't as tired as she sounded.

"Okay, love you," Dominic said. Every time he said those genuine words, Rachel's heart raced.

"Love you back," Rachel replied. He hung up before she did. Slowly, she removed the cell from her ear. She gazed at the television and decided not to watch it. She got up from the couch and did her nightly routine before she went to sleep.


Monday came swiftly and after leaving the library during the early afternoon, Rachel rode her bike to the business building, determined not to be late for the statistics exam. This was a critical one. She and her study buddies Fisher, Eugene, and Leena had all huddled together once a week for more than four weeks to prepare. Rachel would never forget them for helping her feel at ease about the exam. She wished all three of her study buddies could be in all her classes. Her braid swept the back of her sleeveless shirt and she pedaled her bike faster than usual, passing the rest of the students that strolled along the pavement.

The afternoon weather was sunny with puffy clouds that seized the blue sky. Even if the weather unexpectedly changed its course, Rachel was well prepared. Her plaid umbrella remained at the side of her bike, ready if needed. The sun seemed shy today as it peeked from behind the clouds, barely striking its rays. Rachel loved it. She removed her headphones from the tiny pocket of her backpack and plugged them into both of her ears. She pressed play on her portable music device. Her list of music shuffled and the first random song to seep into her ears was "Take Me Home Tonight" by Eddie Money.

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