Chapter Twenty-Two: The Fiery End

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Sawdust, chipped wood, and dirt surrounded them. Rachel couldn't see from her left or right. Particles of sawdust rained around her, probably flecking in her hair. She landed on something and bounced a little. She felt slightly dizzy. The uneasy silence captured the air after the brief chaos. However, cracking noises sounded under someone's steps, breaking the quiet atmosphere. A series of coughs came afterward. Rachel rubbed her eyes. She fanned off the dust that constantly twirled around her. She felt chunks of wood everywhere. Someone grabbed her forearm, and Rachel screamed in terror.

"It's me! Alyssa," she said, then coughed. "We're okay." She helped Rachel on her feet. She realized they landed on the double-layered mattress from the first floor. Alyssa's blond hair was sprinkled with sawdust and prickled with wood splinters. Alyssa tilted her head up; Rachel did the same. Caldwell's legs dangled in the air, while his arms held onto something on the second floor, probably the cupboard. He struggled and succeeded in getting back. But his keys from his pocket fell through the hole without his acknowledgment as he disappeared. Rachel caught the keys in the air and pocketed them. Rachel exchanged a side smile with Alyssa. She heard Josie cough numerous times from a distance. She searched for her and Alyssa trailed behind.

"Josie!" Rachel called out for her in the dim room filled with flying particles of sawdust.

"I'm here." Josie coughed and then she yelped.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Rachel questioned her.

"No," Josie said sadly. "I think I twisted my ankle."

Rachel crossed a river of woods before she reached Josie. Josie removed a lump of wood from her right ankle. Rachel examined her injury. There was a deep purple bruise and a bone seemed to attempt to project out of her skin. Alyssa covered her mouth with great sadness.

"I landed on a sofa?" Josie surveyed her surroundings.

"And Rachel and I fell onto the mattress. This must be where the fraternity hung out for a good time," Alyssa said to her.

Josie looked around, scared. "Where is—"

"Caldwell didn't fall with us," Rachel stated. "He's still on the second floor, haven't heard footsteps coming down." Rachel tilted her head at the huge hole overhead. It was a miracle she wasn't badly hurt. She felt bruises all over her body, but none were as serious as Josie's ankle.

"Help her up," Rachel ordered Alyssa. She carried Josie's right side while Alyssa carried her left. Both of them staggered away from the room, wondering what they should do next.

"I'm fine, guys," Josie said. "Let me try walk on my own." Rachel glared at her, questioning whether she was sure. Josie repeated herself. Rachel and Alyssa decided to let her go. At her first try, she almost fell to the floor, but caught herself midway through. Rachel longed to help, but Josie stretched out an open palm, gesturing her to stay where she was. Josie stood on her feet the second time around, but now she limped. Her face contorted in pain as she took each step. She could do it alone, but she wouldn't be able to run as fast as Rachel or Josie could if trouble came.

"Do you guys know where the door to the backyard is?" Rachel asked both Josie and Alyssa.

"Let's go to the living room. I think it's there somewhere," Alyssa said. "The living room is across the other side of the house."

"Great," Rachel said sarcastically. "He might be waiting for us to get there."

The three ladies scrambled their way out of the door. They were now in the hallway. Straight ahead of them, after crossing through the arched entryway, was the living room, staring at them. They strode onward, watching everywhere. It was silent yet again. Their rushed footsteps were the only sound. Rachel hated the silence and she could tell by the others' faces they were very nervous. Each of them held a piece of wood, eager to use it if necessary. They picked up the pace a little, impatient. They reached the foyer without any incident. Rachel felt lighter and in a few steps they would make it in the living room. They staggered onward, crossing the arched entryway into the parlor. The coffee table was flipped upside down. The window was curtained, but Rachel saw through the fabric that it was boarded. Caldwell's belongings remained close to the chimney area. This time Rachel noticed empty canned goods and water bottles littered in the corner. Alyssa left her position and went across the room. She passed the empty bookshelf by the wall and disappeared into the deep shadows.

Fiery TrapOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora