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Lucy's POV

As I was on the train there was something that pained very much and it was that I gave the master all of my gate keys considering I wont be needing them anymore. I told the master to keep them because they would cost me pain to keep them and make me remember Natsu and all of the jobs and adventures we went on together, and I want to forget all about him but its going to be hard considering I love him. I wonder how they will react as soon as they find out I left.


Erza's POV

I was in the guild but there was something missing or rather someone, Lucy, she's not here which is odd because she's the first one to get here. "I will like to speak to Natsu, Happy,Gray, Erza, Levy, Gajeel and Juvia in my office please" I heard the master say so we all followed him to his office "Juvia does not like this" Juvia said "Me either I have a bad feeling about this..." I said. As we were all there the master began "As you have noticed Lucy is not here today..." he trailed "Well its because she quit Fairy Tail" he finnished we were all in complete shock and at the same time said "WHAT?!" "What do you mean she quit" Levy said bursting into tears. "She didn't really give an explanation she just came to get the seal remove and to give me this" he said pulling out Lucy's gate keys. "But she did say something about Natsu knowing why she left".

We all turn to Natsu who was in shock and his face showed a hint of guilt "All right Natsu spit it out what did you do!!!" Gray said pissed off "Well.." he began "You see I wanted Lisanna to join our team but she said she didn't feel comfortable around Lucy, so I told Lucy I no longer wanted her on the team an--" I didnt let him finish the sentence because I slapped him across the face. "How could you do something like that without consulting any of us!!! But there wasnt much to discuss because we were not going to allow Lisanna in our team nor we were going to kick Lucy out!!!" I yelled at him if it wasn't for Gray holding me back I would have pounded the bastard's face in. "How could you do something like that to Lu-chan your bestfriend!!!" Levy said sobbing "Natsu how could you, I am so disapointed in you not did we lose one of our strongest wizards but one of Fairy Tail's family member" the master said looking at Natsu with nothing but disapointment in his eyes.

"LUCYYY!!!!" Happy cried, "I didnt mean for her to quit I just wanted to have Lisanna in our team I wasn't thinking" Natsu said with guilt dripping from his voice. "Well is too late for that you knuckle brain" Gajeel hissed at him "Master did Lucy said where she was going" Juvia asked "Yes I am not going to tell you" he said "Why not?!?!?!?" I yelled "Because I saw the pain in that girls eyes even though she tried to act tough and I know she doesnt want anyone going after her" he finnished. With that he dismissed us when I opened the door there was cause of all this "This is your fault you bitch!!!" Levy yelled at Lisanna and charging at her if it wasn't for Gajeel who helped her back Lisanna would be dead meat. The guild went silent after that and we explained everything and why Levy called Lisanna what she is a bitch. Oh Lucy I hope you're ok and come back soon.


Hello my lovely fans!!! So as you can see i dont like Lisanna i mean i tried to like her but its just impossible... Anywayyy did you like it well i hope you do next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow at the exact time ;D

Anywayyy dont for get to





-Yany Heartfilia

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