Sting the "Gentleman"/You Love Who?!

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Sting's POV (From when he first got to Lucy's house)

Her house is pretty big and nice, maybe after the marriage we'll move here instead of my house. I was supposed to come about 2 hours ago but it isn't going to hurt her to wait. She's probably waiting for me like good girl. I knocked on the door and a maid opened it "Oh master Sting come in" I walk in and we headed to the living room where there was no one "Um excuse me where is Lucy?" I asked "Um well she's out in the pool, she probably forgot you were coming today" she said. Wait what! She forgot, that bitch, "Don't worry I will got and get her".

How dare she forget I was coming damn when I see her I will show her who's boss around here. When I heard foot steps I turn around to be face to face with a walking beauty in a bikini, I think my brain stopped working for a minute. When it was working again i greeted her "Hello I'm Sting" I said, well so much for showing her who's boss. "Hi I'm Lucy" she said with an angelic voice, i took her hand and kissed it "Nice to meet you" I said "Like wise" I couldn't help but look at her giant melons I mean those are the biggest boobs I've seen in my entire life and trust me I have seen a lot.

When I was staring at her I could help but blush because her body look so hot in person specially in a bikini. "Is there something wrong" she asked complete clueless what she was wearing, then the maid whispered something in her ear. When she looked down she turned tomato red "I-I'm sorry I will be right back" then she ran upstairs and came back down wearing a skirt and a lime colored tank-top. "I am so so sorry I was just in the pool and forgot to change hehe" she said awkwardly "Its okay its not like I am not going to see more after we're married... If you know what I mean" I said winking at her "F-Follow me this way" she said.


When it was time for me to go she led me outside where I kissed her and that bitch didn't even respond! But thats ok in about a month I will make her mine whether she wants it or not. Its not like i haven't done it before.


Natsu's POV

"Lisanna this isn't a good time" I said not wanting to deal with her right now "Why are you crying" she ask but more like demanded "Because the love of my life is getting married to another man" "What are you talking about I'm not marring anybody" she said, and they say I'm dense. I wasn't talking about you" I said firmly "You mean you love that bitch!" "No one is a bitch here but you! This is all your fault I mean I'm also the fault here but if it wasn't for you and your suppose scared for Lucy this would have never happened!!!" I yelled at her.

She look taken back and kinda sad but soon that was replace by anger and a slap across the face "I did it because I love you and I wanted you all to myself and I couldn't because she was always in the way it was always Lucy this, Lucy that and I was sick of it" she said "I never thought she would quit but if I knew i would have done it sooner because you are very easy to manipulate..." she kept talking "But now theres nothing you can do about it because she's getting married and you will never see her or have her again" she finished with that and then left slamming the door. Even though i hate her now she's right but I wont stand by seeing the woman of my dreams marry someone else. I will stop the wedding even if its the last thing I do.


HEY LOVELIES!!! I am so so so sorry i didnt update in a long time but i am sad because theres one more chappie and then the epilogue!!! I was wondering if any of you is interested in writing a battle scene for the next chapter it has to be third person cause it is going to be more than one fight the winner will get all the credit and a dedication on that chappie so message me if you want to participate i will tell you the plot and you will write it and send it to me ok :)

Anywayy dont forget to





-Yany Heartfilia

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