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Jess was so glad it was Saturday. Her body ached from their antics, but her heart was filled with love. She couldn’t believe how happy she felt. Things hadn’t been this good since Alex was last in her life. She pushed aside any fears that she was throwing herself into this too quickly. She’d lived a very safe staid life, but sometimes you had to take risk, and for the second time she was willing to take those risks with Alex.

She looked across at him. His eyes closed, long lashes like fans onto his cheek bones, angled face and jaw dark with stubble relaxed in sleep. His lips were parted slightly, and very inviting. Smiling, she pushed back the duvet and looked at his lean yet muscular chest, his flat stomach,! She’d forgotten how big THAT was over the years. Curiosity still there, she reached out and took him in her hand, marvelling at how he grew in front of her, before he’d even opened his eyes. When she did eventually look up, his eyes were on her.

            “Morning!” he smiled, but she could tell he was already struggling to control himself.

            “GOOD Morning!” she sang back at him, then turning to face him she tossed a leg over his hips, sliding close to him. In reply he ran his hand over her calf up to her thigh.

She cringed as he laughed, “Mmm, definitely not a smooth supermodel’s leg!”

            “I work outdoors; I don’t see the point of shaving my legs if no one sees them!”

Rolling over her he still laughed, “It would take so much more than that to put me off darling!”

Slapping his shoulder playfully, she humour disappeared as his hands covered her body. “And I’m definitely not put off by that!” she announced as his hands rediscovered hidden pleasures.

            “So what do you want to do today?” she asked wrapped in his shirt, sat cross legged on the duvet later. Alex was still buried under it, reluctant to acknowledge that it was approaching lunch time.

            “I thought we could stay in bed,” his voice was muffled by the pillows he was face down into. “There are still a few inches of you that I haven’t actually paid attention to, so that was my afternoon challenge!”

She stretched out her legs and sipped at the orange juice she’d poured, “But half the fun of getting dressed, going out, doing things, is the coming back later and reacquainting ourselves!”

He rolled over and looked at her, “I will acquiesce to lunch, a walk in the park, BUT then I want to kiss every inch of your body again.”

Her body tingled at the thought, “I can’t argue with that plan!”          

She jumped up and opened the whitewashed wardrobe door, searching for something to wear. Alex enjoyed watching her; he loved this bedroom as much as the rest of the apartment. The huge bed was distressed wrought iron, very Victorian, but the rest of the room was white. White washed furniture, thick white carpet, then chintzy floral cushions, five patterned, stuffed fabric letters sat on a shelf spelling ‘SLEEP’, a red vase was filled with long stemmed white flowers. It was cluttered, filled with mementoes of her life, and surprisingly feminine. But he felt comfortable, happy as he watched her move around the room selecting things to wear, disappointed at the disappearance of her bare flesh, but appreciating the slinky sweater dress that she pulled on over dark leggings.

            “Come on lover boy, or I’ll find someone else to walk me around the park!”

She was pulling on her knee high leather biker boots when he finally entered the lounge. Jess smiled at him, his jeans were on, but not fastened, he held his shirt in his hand and was scribbling in his little book.

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