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A/N An extra long chapter to tie all the loose ends! Have absolutely loved the way you've all debated over these characters. I only hope the end does justice to the enthusiasm you've all had for this! 

Thank you all SO SO much for all your support! I love posting all these stories!

It didn’t feel so great sat in her house staring at four walls and feeling a fool. But Jess knew she’d had to confront him, if there was any chance of them having a relationship, she needed the truth, there were so many things that they hadn’t discussed, once they’d rediscovered their romance so many things remained unanswered. She wanted to believe Alex now, and it had taken seeing him so upset to realise just how much she loved him, and she felt she really did trust him.

But without him in her home her whole life seemed lonely, empty. She didn’t know how to repair this, how to make it better. Every thought sent her back to the root of her problems.

Her parents.

She’d struggled to survive emotionally, alone for too many years, and now she felt exhausted. For the first time in months erecting the barriers that protected her from others was a chore. But could she rectify the bad.

Jess knew she had to deal with her own demons before even dreaming of contacting Alex again. She had to accept that things had been bad for him, and whilst she was angry with him, blamed him for things, deep down she knew that he’d been as hurt as her. For years she’d hidden behind her pain, let it shape her life, and as she lay for hours looking at the four walls of her bedroom, or lounge, or bathroom....she knew that she had pushed him away, whilst she wasn’t content with him being the threat to her independence that he was, she also knew that this Alex shaped void in her life had been there since the day she lost the baby, the last time she’d seen him all those years ago. Her business kept her busy, she loved Eve, but now she’d reopened that huge gaping hole in her life she knew that she couldn’t reclose it, and only he could fill it.

Jess was woken after very little sleep the following morning by the postman, opening the door she accepted the mail and the oversize parcel. In the lounge she opened the box to see a white and pale blue soft cotton camisole and matching hipster shorts. The message attached brought tears to her eyes.

            “I know I will have missed you last night, so this is just something for you to slip on before I see you tonight! Love you! Alex xxx

He’d sent this before they’d argued, before she’d accused him of such heinous crimes as having a life when they were apart...and for loving her! God she was such a warped bitch. Still her mind cut back to the root of all this...her father. She needed to see him, to get all her anger, grief, bitterness and resentment off her chest. Then she could confront Alex once and for all, get all her concerns out there, and hope that they could work this all out.

So she showered and dressed, her fave Converse boots that had been hand painted, jeans, t-shirt and a blazer. Her father liked her dressed ‘like a lady’ so she was glad to have the opportunity to rebuke that in every way she could. It had been the only pleasure she’d taken from her family life.

Settling in her beaten up work van, she drove the hour journey to Martinwood. The scene of the crime!

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