Ellis: The Way We Were [EDITED]

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Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The Way We Were


Eighth Grade.

"Fucking hell," said a fourteen year old Calista Dames, fanning her face as she waited for me to finish with alphabetically stacking up the textbooks that I carried home home to study for the incoming end-of-semester tests into my tiny steel locker, which was already mired with a set of thick books. Any more additions and it would officially erupt from the strain, "Can't you believe it's summer already?"

Fourteen year old me couldn't. Time was like fluid, my mother often said, it was always running, always moving. You're just too caught up in distractions around you to be aware of it. I was too busy to notice, since I was obviously stressed from studying to maintain that 4.0 average. Being a genius was one of three genetics and two out of three hardwork, kids. Believe me. "I know," I said, twisting a cap of the pen tucked in my ear, "So are you confirmed to come over to my place for the sleepover?'

Calista's parents- or Mom- was stern. Even more stern than mine. Leah Dames was always locked down in this perpetual state of paranoia that her daughter would used this sleepover as an excuse to go out and become a hooligan, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. Even though we're just fourteen year olds kids and all we ever do in sleepovers was stay up all night, watch movies, eat junk food till we're about to burst and go on our phones. "Yeah. My mom finally agreed. It's only because she likes you and your genius brain more than she'll ever like me."

"That's not true," I amended but my insides glowed with pride. I loved it when parents loved me. I loved it when parents always used me to compare their kids to because I embossed a good example, I was a good role model, I was somebody to look up to. Even though it made me felt bad for Calista, I still loved it when Calista's mother doted on me.

"You know it is," Calista rolled her eyes and then her breath caught. "Fucking great," she snarled, eyes rooted fixatedly upon the entrance of their middle school, "It's the bitch and her brainless clones."

I personally didn't know why Calista hated Tabitha Kay so much. It wasn't like Tabitha was outwardly mean to us anyway, except maybe Calista. On the contrary, it wasn't as though Calista didn't give Tabitha a reason to hate her. Calista was rude to Tabitha from the instance she laid eyes on Tabitha's flawlessly radiant but obviously store-bought sunkissed skin. Sure, Calista was rude to...well, everybody but she was never as rude to anybody else as she was to Tabitha. Like how I considered myself a delight to almost everybody, including parents, but when it came to Jem Leighton...all I saw was red.

Tabitha Kay was sporting a new haircut- layers around her long wavy curls- and Astrid Gilbert was following right behind her heels like an obedient puppy. Calista snorted under her breath, rolling her eyes as everybody parted like the red sea. "I don't see the attraction," she mumbled.

"Just don't mind them," I sighed. The bell rang overhead and I collected my math and history textbooks for the next two periods before recess. "Come on, we'll be late."

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