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Authors Note

i know i know its been like a month since i wrote and for that i am extremely sorry.i am also sorry for any mistakes

well my birthday is on Monday :D so excited anyways only 1 more chapter till the end of this story but don't worry their WILL be a sequel and i will reveal the sequel title in the next chapter which will hopefully be up very soon

the song on the side is "Thank You"by MKTO it has nothing to do with this chapter.i have been playing this song forever and its on repeat on my ipod and is soo amazing so listen to it (by the way MKTO stands for Misfit Kids and Total Outcast)

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"Got it Rosie,we can't afford to screw this up so tell me can you carry through with this plan"Katherine questioned me as she finished telling me about her back up plan.

"I can't Katherine not to him I love him"I said standing up from my seat and paced back and forth running a hand through my hair.

Their was two things constantly running through my head as I was trying to decide what to do.the first was If I followed through with this plan we can finally get rid of katelin then their was the second if I did Justin could figure out that I was lying about being compelled and would think I was exactly like katelin and Katherine and want nothing to do me

"I guess we will have to do this the hard way"Katherine groaned

Out if no where I was being choked and dragged back to where Justin was.i tried to get out of the hold but the more I struggled the tighter the hold got.

"Rose"Justin said rushing towards me

"Ah ah ah"Katherine said.i felt something break thoroughly my skin and barley scratch my heart.i couldn't breathe the pain was so unbearable if Katherine hadn't had me in a death grip I would have fallen to the floor in agony

"You are going to listen to me or your precious girlfriend will be lying dead on the floor"Katherine stated and moved the stake a bit making me scream out

"Ok ok just stop hurting her" I saw a blurry Justin say with a hurt look in his eyes

"You are to let me compell you to not let you tell katelin our plans and if you don't I will either kill Rosalie here or make her hate you forever"Katherine said getting a better grip me

"Don't do it Justin"I coughed out

"No Rose I will not let you die or have you hate me forever"Justin said stepping forward

I was tossed to the floor and felt wooden stakes piercing my limps down and I screamed from the pain.

"Katherine"I heard Justin says

"She will be fine now come here"I heard her say

I couldn't see anything my tears were blurring vision.the stakes were sting my limps and I instantly knew they were laced with vervain

"You are to not to tell anyone of our plan"Katherine compelled

"I will not tell anyone of our plan"Justin repeated

"You are to not tell anyone of our encounters if you do so Rosalie dies"Katherine finished her compulsion

"I will not tell anyone of our encounters"he repeated

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