Cremè egg

34 11 5

I'm a cream egg
Nothing that's wrong
Nothing that's right
I only write songs

It's what you think

A cremè egg has layers
Chocolate shell
Sweet insides that make you want to barf

My outside is the wrapper
All pretty and cute
I look like I should never
Be a caboose

My brain is the shell made of chocolate
I'm not dumb, I'm just blonde
I tell me what to do
I usually just bond

My inside is the sweet part
That makes you want to puke
The part you never look into
Especially if you lose

My wrapper:
My short hair that I used to think people liked
My blue eyes, which aren't blue. They're just cold as ice
My long legs, for running, but I won't take the chance
My thin lips to talk, which I do the most

My Shell:
My stereotypical stupid, dumb, blonde self
My bad decisions that were made by someone else
My crazy personality, but honestly, I'm shy
You think I'm anorexic? I'm not about that whack anorexia life

My gooey inside:
I love cats, and YouTube, but not like how you think
I'm obsessed because you're possessive, even when you blink
I'm shy and I cry because I know you don't care
And I really would recognize that smile anywhere

I'm a cremè egg
Don't judge me
I'm not
Who you thought I would be

And I'm sorry, but it's the way I am.

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