There is a song for everything

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When it's raining
Fixing a hole The Beatles

When you feel like crying
Baby don't cry The Twigs

When you feel like you want to get stuff done
Don't stop 5SOS

When you feel like you can get back up again
Fight song Rachel Platten

When you don't want to do anything
Lazy song Bruno Mars

When you feel confident
Radioactive Imagine Dragons (BÆ)

When you want it to be all about you
It's all about you YouTuber Boyband

When you feel like crying
Landslide Stevie Nicks/ Dixie Chicks

When you want to fly
Music of the Night Gerard Butler/ Andrew Lloyd Webber

When you want to hide from the world
Don't worry be happy/ Winter Wonderland Pentatonix ft Tory Kelly

When you're having a good day
Bright Echosmith

When you want to go out
Night changes One Direction

When you have a terrible day
Big girls don't cry Fergie

When you feel vicious
Hollaback Girl Gwen Stefani

When you want to procrastinate
I really don't care Demi Lovato

When you don't want to get up
Don't wake me up Jason Derulo

When you're happy
Happy Pharell Williams

When you want to fight back
King of Anything Sara Bareillies

When you want to start a fight
So what P!nk

When you want to fly because of love
15 Taylor Swift

When you're in love
You're in love Taylor Swift

When you get you're first kiss
My first kiss 303! Ft. Ke$ha

When you want to be scared
Sally Rhiannon Reinhard

When you are reading this
I know things now Lilla Crawford

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