Chapter 3

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I turned around and found a slightly angry looking man standing there, glaring at me with hard eyes. He looked like he was around his early 30's. Dressed in a black suit with matching tie and dress shoes, I could feel his authority. He had light brown hair that was neatly gelled up. His arms were crossed over his chest as if he was a little kid who was not getting what he wanted. 

Why was this man so angry? I couldn't be more confused than I was now.

"What do you think you're doing? Do you know who I am??"he asked, each word filled with anger.

"No, I don't. Should I know who you are?" I'm not sure if it was just me, but it seemed as if he got even angrier from what I said. 

"Excuse me?!?" His arms were no longer crossed. His fists were clenched. The veins in his neck were bulging. I could almost imagine steam coming out of his ears. 

Right when I was about to ask him what the heck he was getting angry about when I remembered why I was even here. I still had to go to the 5th floor! I can't miss this job interview! I turned my attention to the elevator. 

When did the doors even close? I quickly pressed the elevator button once again. 

"Are you even listening to me!?" he exclaimed. He grabbed onto my wrist and forced me to face him. "Take another elevator, I don't like having other people sharing it with me."

"Dude! That hurts, you know!" I winced as I tried to free my wrist from his grasp. When I freed my wrist, I saw that his fingers left slightly red marks behind. Urgh, I really don't have time for this.

"Did you just call me 'dude'??" 


The elevator arrived once again. I ignored him and rushed into the elevator. I repeatedly pressed the "door close" button and begged for the doors to hurry and close. Hurry up! I thought to myself. 

When he got over the shock of being called a dude (which apparently was quite an insult to him), it was already too late. The doors had slammed shut. Right in front of his surprised little face.

The 5th floor button lit up when I pressed it and I felt the elevator begin to rise upwards. As I waited for my floor, I patted my skirt and checked my reflection in the mirror in the elevator. I made sure the braid was still presentable and sighed at my face. I looked older than my actual age. I had started working right after I graduated high school. These past few years, I worked so many jobs that I lost count. I really hope I will get this job. 

Ding! The elevator doors opened on the 5th floor. I took a final glance at my reflection and stepped out.

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