Chapter 23

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A/N: And the winners are....
1. MinaSander 
2. meenu123456
3. yustoleme_
4. parulnagalia
5. divya789s
6. ashley_768
7. speedytje1



Cali's POV

It's been strangely peaceful for the past few days. Christian's mother didn't try to contact me again, not a single phone call or text message. I wanted to go back to work, but Christian wouldn't let me. When I asked him why, he just told me not to worry about it. I bugged him for almost 30 minutes, trying to make him tell me, but it didn't work. His lips were sealed. This didn't make me give up though. I made a secret plan for tomorrow. I was going to go to work secretly, without Christian knowing, to find out what the big secret was. 

I purposely didn't wake him up the next morning, knowing very well that he wouldn't be able to wake up this early on his own. He's probably going to wake up around 10, giving me plenty of time to find out what he was trying to keep me from finding out.

The moment I stepped into the building, there were hushed whispers. All eyes were on me. It reminded me of my first day at work. The feeling felt exactly the same. I pretended that it didn't affect me and walked toward the elevators. As I walked, I heard many things... unbelievable, far-fetched things. 

"Oh oh, that's her..."


"I heard that she's dating the CEO..."

".. seduced him..."

"... got slapped by his mother..."

"... is with him for his money..."

"Have you all said enough??!!?" I exclaimed, furious at their audacity to gossip when the person they were talking about was within listening distance. 

They all shut up and scurried away. Hmp, yah go away. My eyes lingered on their backs as they hurried away. Where on earth did they hear those things?

Ding! The elevator arrived and I started to walk in when someone stopped me. 

"Ms. Wilson!" the person called. "What are you doing here?" 

I turned around to see the front desk lady staring back at me. "I'm going to work?" Why else would I be here... well I actually came for another reason, but she didn't need to know that. 

"I received a notice that your contract was terminated and the higher ups specifically told me to watch out for you. They told me not to allow to go up to the offices. Besides, any person who's not an employee here can't go up, it's against the company's policies." She crossed her arms in annoyance, tapping her heels on the ground. "Please leave, Ms. Wilson. Don't make me call the security over here."

What was her deal? My contract was what? Terminated?? Pft, she didn't know what she was talking about. I didn't terminate my contract. She must be misunderstanding something, yeah she must be.

"You've misunderstood something. I didn't terminate my contract," I said. "Maybe you heard it wrong?"

"No Mrs. Wilson, I did not." 

"Yes, you did," I argued, not giving up. "Let me go up and prove it to you." I turned toward the elevators but she gripped onto my arm, digging her long manicured nails into it.

"Don't even think about it," she warned. "I see that you need someone to escort you out." Don't underestimate her strength. She practically dragged me toward the front desk so she could get to the phone on it. She didn't let go of me and used her free hand to dial the number for the security. "Can you send someone over right away? We have an uninvited guest over here who is persistent on going up... yes... thanks." She hung up and turned her attention to me. "The security are on their way, would you like to leave by yourself or would you rather wait for someone to drag you out, Ms. Wilson?"

I was in complete denial. What the heck was she saying? What was going on? Was this what Christian didn't want me to find out?? I never felt so confused in my life before. Urgh... won't someone explain it to me?

Just as she said, the security people soon arrived. They forcefully pulled me toward the entrance as I fought back. "Let me go! You must be misunderstanding something! Let me speak with Mrs. Libbs, anyone who can prove that this is a mistake!" I pleaded desperately. "Please!!" I was aware of the attention I was causing, but this was not what was important now. I needed to get to the bottom of this. I dug the heels of my shoes on the ground, trying to slow them down, but it was no use. They were strong

Having no other choice, I bit down hard on the security guard's hand. 

He screamed in pain and dropped me onto the ground. I fell onto the cold hard floor with a loud thump. I rubbed my butt in pain and slowly stood up. 

"You wretch! What did you just do to me!" he screamed angrily. 

I opened my mouth to explain myself when he lunged at me, grabbing my hair. The pain could not be explained with words. I tried to make him let go but he was holding on tightly. 

"Let's see if you dare do that again, just try!" he threatened menacingly. 

A chill of fear crawled down my spine. Did he have some anger management issues? Even though I did bite his hand, his reaction was way out of bounds for a security guard. "Let me go... let me go," I begged as my eyes watered from the pain. "Let me go.."

"She said, let her go," a deep voice repeated loudly and with authority. 


A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for updating it so late! 

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