Chapter 16

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Christian's POV

Although I woke up with a slight headache, I felt so much better than yesterday. My throat was no longer sore, my nose not runny- my body had returned all back to normal. Strange... how did I suddenly get so much better? I pressed my fingers against my temples, trying to ease the throbbing pain in my head as I thought back to what happened yesterday. The remembrance of opening the front door was crystal clear, but what happened afterwards? There was a faint memory of someone telling me that I had fainted. I tried to think of who that was but my mind was hazy. This was probably caused by the constant pounding in my skull.

I sat up and took a look around the room for any clues to my speedy recovery. Everything was just as I left it until I spotted my nightstand. There was a glass of water, an opened box of Advil, and a bucket of water on it. Those were things one would use to take care of a sick one. Did someone take care of me when I was sick? I tried to think of anyone who would do that for me, but my mind was blank. No one cared about me, all they cared about was my freaking fortune. I can not even begin to explain how frustrating and heartbreaking it is to meet someone who you thought truly wanted to befriend you only to find out later that they were just doing it to gain something out of the friendship- money.

You would've assumed that I learned my lesson from trusting these kind of people, but I didn't. I met a woman and fell heads over heels for her. She made me happy. I thought we were meant to be, but she was just like the others. She only stayed by my side for my fame, my wealth, and the title "wife of Samsung Group successor". When the truth came out, I was heartbroken. I spent over a month locked up in my apartment in denial. The denial soon wore off and I promised myself to never make the same mistake again. I gave up on love. I locked up my heart and threw away the key. I was so freakin' sick and tired of being purposely approached by strangers who had a deliberate plan of getting a profit out of me. Not only did I give up on love, I gave up on trusting people. They were all lying deceiving creatures who wanted to get something out of me. If being alone is my fate, then I'll just have to accept it.

I blinked my eyes a few times to snap myself out of the past. It's all in the past, let's forget it. Let it go. My eyes wandered from the nightstand to the person snoring softly beside me. When did this person get here??? How did I not notice this until now? Man, was I really this oblivious?

As quietly as I could, I leaned toward the sleeping figure and tried to see who it was. To my dismay, I couldn't see anything, not even a single facial feature. There was hair blocking the way. Dark brown hair that covered the face like a curtain. My only clue was that the person was a female. I mean, it could be a guy with long hair, but that was highly unlikely in my opinion. I was about to give up when the person groaned and shifted into a different sleeping position, revealing her face at last.

It was Wilson.

The moment I saw her face, I instantly remembered everything that happened the night before. She was the one who brought me into my room. She gave me medicine and took care of me.

I looked closely at the girl I just met a few weeks ago. I've never really paid much attention to her and I've only just realized how attractive she looked. The fact that her thin, layered dark brown hair was all over the place did not ruin her beauty. It gave her a natural look, only making her stand out even more in my eyes. Her lips were slightly parched. Did she not drink enough water? Was it because she was too busy taking care of me? I shook the thoughts away hastily and continued to stare at her.

She had deep bags underneath her eyes. I shouldn't have told all the staff to give their work to her just for the spur of the moment. Now I feel guilty for what my rash actions. Wait what? What was I thinking? Guilty? What was wrong with me?? I wanted to push these thoughts away again, but I didn't. I needed to figure out these conflicted feelings in my heart. Was what I thought was impossible happening? Was I falling in love with her? It's true we fight and argue at least once a day, but the fact that she had the nerve to argue with me was what made her special. She didn't give a damn whether I was rich or not. If she felt something was not right, she would open her mouth and say it. Something I was starting to appreciate.

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