The Hungry Clouds

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The Author Pauses the Pen

This chapter I have written is of the most sickening nature. To your mind it may feel like torture. You have been warned.

Chapter 2 The Hungry Clouds

Timmy and his merry band left their small, dark shack on the top of a high and steep mound of earth, known to the locals as Forest Hill because the hill had been built on the remains of a thousand chopped trees.

But no sooner had they left it began to rain. "Why does it rain?" asked Timmy to the turnip as the water hit his face.

The turnip whispered, "It is because the birds cry. These are the teardrops of many millions of birds."

"And why do the birds cry?" questioned Timmy, perplexed.

BURY ME, said his brother Jimmy, in Timmy's mind, held in Timmy's arms.

" Is it because cats who have grown wings, tired of their earthly existence, now chase those birds?" mewed the cat, salivating at the image.

"Its far worse than aviatory felines I'm afraid" cackled the turnip, "Its the clouds."

"Clouds?" repeated Timmy.

"Yes, clouds.

 You think they're so white and they're so sweet. But listen out to what the birds tweet. Many a creature has gone to meet, a cloud and found a grisly end. Those fluffy white things tend, to consume any creature within a second. They hide their fangs and their claw, but give them a chance and they'll get their maw, around your neck before you can blink. So before you approach a sweet white cloud, stop and think. Then think again, because they will strip you down to pure white bone if you stray too far into their zone.

But child do not fret for the clouds stay high, in the sky, preying on birds and others who fly. You're quite safe unless there's a special set of circumstances." sang the turnip in a raspy voice.

"I wasn't afraid" said Timmy, "I was just thinking, what a shame, I'd love one as a pet."

But the turnip said, "But my dear child, that is most inadvisable... besides the dangers involved how would you tie such a creature down."

"With the strongest bond I can find."

"And if that's not enough to bind?" asked the cat.

But as they talked and walked, they soon reached a town. The Town of Kentish. A usually peaceful town of happy men and women.

But as Timmy entered a bell rang out, and a voice could be heard, "Mist! Mist! I shake my wrist and ring this bell! To all of you I must tell! There is Mist! All flee! Or the descended clouds will consume thee!"

"What is this?" asked Timmy to the turnip, which gravely replied,

"It is the one special circumstance I feared. When there's mist, the clouds can descend from the high skies to the streets below and hide. They will hunt like sharks in this sea of white! We won't know where they'll strike!"

"Quick hide! Take cover!" screeched the cat, running circles around Timmy's feet.

HahAhAhAHAhA said Jimmy in Timmy's mind, this annoyed Timmy who briefly considered leaving him behind.

Timmy walked towards a man running in their direction, 'Where should I go?" asked Timmy.

The man while running replied, "Go wherever that's inside! Do not stay in these streets, it'll be full of hungry clouds soon enough! I myself am going to the tavern, the kind fat barkeeper and his soon to be with child wife, will lend us stay and shelter in their place."

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