Soldier Chase

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The sun was bright, the meadows green. It is here we set our scene,

The young boy Timmy and his friend the black cat were walking. And saddled on the Cat's back the wise Turnip was talking. Upon Timmy's pet cloud his corpse brother was riding. But behind a hill in the distance some soldiers were hiding.

Timmy had caused so much destruction on his travels until, some lords of the land sent soldiers with orders to kill. And after weeks of pursuit the soldiers now hid behind a hill. With their target so close they whispered orders and tried to keep still. As they loaded their guns and sharpened their blades some felt the thrill, while those there who were nervous simply felt ill. But each and every man was to move according to the drill. They readied themselves for the chase, grim determination on their face. In the silence they could here a distant bird's trill.

Unaware of the approaching danger, Timmy continued to talk with the Turnip, "So Turnip just how wise are you?"

The Turnip cackled in reply, "If you want proof of my wisdom, ask any question and I'll answer if you give me just one clue."

Timmy smiled, "Well we'll see if that's true."

 The soldiers slowly rose to their feet, and began to walk to a silent beat. Their guns poised and ready, there hands still and steady. Their target in sight, they prepare for the fight. Timmy will be crushed by their military might.

 "First question, what manner of thing does this claw belongs to?" tested Timmy, holding up a sharp steel like claw.

The Turnip replied, "If I'm not mistaken that is the appendage of the mythical Glimmer Beast, a fearsome creature who upon men's flesh feast. Made of matter as hard as metal, unstoppable but for a potion of child's tears, serpent's head and scarlet flower petal. But a creature so rare that even of its existence not many are sure. Come, ask another question, I'm ready for more"

The soldiers marched across the land, moving together in a lethal band. They crept slowly towards the boy, who they were under orders to destroy. Not long now till he was just a shot away, then for all his crimes Timmy would pay.

"Well then, question two." said Timmy, taking out a thin silk like sheet which glittered in the sun, "From what manner of clothing did I take this sheet? If you can answer this I'll admit defeat."

BURY ME, screamed Jimmy, Timmy's corpse brother, inside Timmy's mind but Timmy ignored him.

The Turnip cackled knowingly, "You attempt to trick me, but it simply shall not be. That is no part of any coat or dress, but a part of a Wood Child's wing nothing more nothing less. You certainly did not take it from the thing itself, for it is a most ferocious type of elf. With great strength, sharp teeth and hidden wings, you do not want to encounter those scary things."

Timmy sighed, disgruntled that he'd lost, then spoke to the Cat, "How about you Cat, can you ask a question which will baffle the Turnip who upon you is sat?"

 The Cat replied, "This is no time for idle play, to your surroundings more attention pay. I do not think all is well, of danger these quiet hills do tell."

 The enemy is ever near, of tales of Timmy they've all had chance to hear. As they walk some soldiers shudder in fear. Then one soldier bringing up the rear, suddenly trips on a rabbit hole. Forgetting they are so near their goal, that they are so near their prize. He utters a curse in surprise. The curse is not very loud, but more noise than was allowed.

 "Best of five is what I say, so come let us continue to play" said Timmy, "Question three, I have this leaf from a tree." So saying he produced a beautiful red leaf with patches of dark purple, "Now can you name the tree for me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2011 ⏰

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