Chapter 6

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Marleys POV
Man she scared the shit out of me. She's not good at choking someone out but how did she get in my car?
Johns POV
I'm glad that we are back on the road. Marley really wants to see her brothers. Jess's friend that lives in Tulsa told me that she's middle class. Then she explained a little bit about greasers and socs. When Marley and I stopped at a Dairy Queen I explained the grease vs soc thing. "Wow, that's bad"
"Yea no better then here thou" I added
" I suppose"
"Well Mar, I wonder what  your brothers are" my mom piped in
"Greasers, they used to hate snobs I'm sure that's still the same"
"Oh" Marley said
"I'm sure they are good guys" I said supportingly.
"Yea, but it doesn't matter to me" she said
"Yea I know"
Marleys POV
We began to drive again, this time John was driving me in my truck, while his mother drove their car. My body was fighting sleep, and I guess John sensed that because he started to hum, which put me right to sleep.
I woke up to John pumping my brakes making the car jerk.
"What the hell" I wondered out loud
"Oh just brake checking the guy behind us in his stupid tuff mustang" John said looking in the rear view
"Are we in Oklahoma?"
"Yea Tulsa actually"
"Wow really" I sat up
"Yea, I just let you sleep"
"Oh, I woulda drove"
"Yea I know, we're gunna stop at my sisters friends, unpack and let my mom get settled, then you and me are gunna go find your brothers"
"Ok" I smiled

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