Chapter 8

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Marleys POV
Elle walked me out to the store part and had me show off to the boys. Steve saw me first and he wolf whistled. That caused Soda to turn around and look. "Wow Marley, you look different" he said scanning me over.

" A good different?" I asked timidly. Oh no what if I just made the worst mistake of my life, I cant change my hair from black.

"Like you looked beautiful before, but wow you look much more grown up and-" Soda said before being cut off.

"Sexy as hell my darling. Like woah. But I have only one bad thing to say." Steve said

Uh oh I thought. "You need different clothes, because up top your a eye turner. But from the neck down, you're the good girl. It just don't match." he finished.

Everyone nodded in agreement. "Really wow thanks guys. And Elle said she had some stuff I could borrow for now."

"Alright, lets head out before anyone else sees you looking all goofy." Elle said to me while shooting Soda a wink.

And we headed back to her house. "Can you drive standard she asked?"

"Yea my truck is standard" I told Elle

"Oh I didn't realize that" she said as she whipped into the driveway.

We walked in and saw John and his mom making dinner. I wish I had a camera because they just looked so happy. "hey y'all" Elle said while throwing her keys on the table.

"Hey- woah Marley what happened" John exclaimed

"Honestly, I just wanted to try something new, and plus it helps me fit in here."

"That's nice honey, I'm glad you were able to do something that, YOU wanted to do" Johns moms said

"Yea good for you, I guess, Marley" John said looking at the ground and turning back to his mom.

"Alright its getting late, lets see what we can find for you to wear" Elle said while grabbing my hand. she dragged me in her room and opened up he closet doors. The doors matched her walls which were a blueish-gray color. There were two doors, one slid behind the other so we had to go through one side and then the other. We went through her whole closet. Nothing seemed right and she agreed. "Wait just a minute now, I just remembered I have a rack of clothes in the attic, they might be just what we want" she said getting exited. So, we walked up two flights of stairs to the attic, Elle moved a few boxes of stuff out of the way. Then she pulled a dusty cover off the rack, and there was a whole different variety of clothing underneath, than what was in her closet. In my opinion, they were teenage greaser clothes, whereas now she wears more mature, if you want to say, clothing. Between the two of us we found the perfect outfit for me to wear. It sure wasn't anything I ever wore. man, Bret wouldn't even let me leave my room wearing stuff like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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