Chapter 7

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Marleys POV
John and his mom finished unpacking. Jess's friend was very nice, her name was Elle. She got John and his mom in the top part of her house, she kept telling John it was no problem everytime he said 'I really hope this isn't too much.'
Elle said that her and Jess were very tight and she wasn't using the top half anyway, it was just going to waste. I finally asked her when John was all done and laying down on his new bed.
"do you know anyone name Tim or curly sh-"
"The Shepard boys?" She asked
"Of course, who doesn't know them."
"Could you tell me where I could find them?"
"Um, not to be nosy but why. Only asking because they aren't exactly the friendliest"
"I know them but haven't seen them in a while."
"Oh well just forewarning you, they anit the same as they used to be, but you can find them down at bucks almost any night"
"Where's bucks, what's it like someone's house?"
"It's down the street a bit, and kinda, bucks is a bar owned by a county hick named Buck. He a bit older than Tim, he lives there but has his own separate part. And there's an upstairs with about 5 rooms for the crazy kids who wanna-"
"Ok I get it. I need to go there now"
"Woah slow down there. You can't go alone. Someone did explain the greaser vs soc thing right?"
"Yea well it anit safe there"
"I just need to go in and look okay?"
"Ok but let me come with you"
"Ok fine can we go now?"
"Yea I guess let me grab my keys"
So Elle grabbed her keys and we got in her car and drove off. I left a note for John, telling him I took off with Elle. We drove about 2 miles up the road taking 2 turns, when we pulled up there weren't many cars around.
"Most people walk here but it's a Tuesday so there shouldn't be many people."
We walked into bucks. It wasn't packed but it wasn't deserted.
"See like I said its dead in here"
Dead? I don't wanna know what packed looks like. We sat down at the bar, I sat in the corner so no one could see me. She ordered a drink and told the bartender I wanted a water. She continued to watch the bartender and almost like I wasn't there she started to talk to me. "They are standing around the pool table in the back."
I slowly moved my eyes to where she said and sure and shit there they were. Surrounded by girls with too tight clothes and heavy makeup. I closed my eyes "my uncle Bret never let me do anything I wanted like switch my hair color or wear what I wanted"
She raised her eyebrows "well he's not here now so we can go out and fix that"
"Would you really take me out"
"Yes absolutely"
"Wow thank you, I can't talk to them lookin like this"
"Ok I'll finish my drink and we can head to the gas station, I need gas and that's the best place for hair stuff, cheapest too"
"Alright" I said finally opened my eyes and looked back toward the corner. The boys were headed to the bar. "Im going to the car" I said to Elle and walked out. I sat in the passenger seat and she joined me a few moments later.
"Alright let do this" she said laughing
We screeched outta there, and hit the road 0-60 in 4 seconds flat. Or at least that's how it felt. We rolled up to this gas station called the DX. A boy around my age(17) walked over and started to talk to Elle. "Hey there cutie"
"Aye, what's up sodapop"
I climbed out of the car and walked around to Elle's side. The boy looked at me, nope I lied, the gorgeous boy looked over in my direction.
"Hey there haven't seen you around before." He said
"Yea just got here, I'm Marley" I said
"Sodapop" he said and stuck out his hand out. I tilted my head while shaking his hand. "Yes that's my real name, says so on my birth certificate"
I chuckled
"Go look around the store I'll be in, in a minute"
I nodded to her, I walked inside.
"Welcome to the DX, let me know if I can help you." I turned my head toward the talking. A boy around my age again, was sitting behind the counter cleaning what looked like a spark plug. I walked closer to see that it was a spark plug and he was struggling to get the dirt out of it. "Try using a flat head screwdriver with a paper towel" I said looking at the magazines. I looked over toward him, he looked surprised.
"And how to you know all this" I saw his crooked tooth. He was really cute too.
"Oh I helped out some of my friends here and there."
"Mhm. Help you find anythin?" He asked
"Where's your hair stuff."
He raised his eyebrow, "all the way in the back to your right"
"Thanks" I said as he grabbed a screwdriver. I smiled and headed to the back. I saw a good amount of hair color and more. I thought about the girls I saw with Tim and curly. I grabbed 2 bottles of black hair color, some black touch up, a cheap hair straightener. I looked to my left and saw makeup. Which I didn't own any of, I grabbed some black everything. Then went over to the cooler and grabbed a coke. I brought it all up to cute boy #2.
"What's your name anyway" he asked ringing up my stuff.
"I'm Steve, and it's $3.50"
"That's it? I thought it would be more."
"Nah, I only charged you for half of the stuff here"
"Oh ok"
I grabbed the money and handed it to him. "Thanks Steve" I said and started to walk out.
"Where are you goin" I heard Elle ask from behind me.
"Going to the car" I said turning toward her
"Nah, were gunna do it here because I know John will try to talk you outta it. "
"Yea ok" I agreed
She sat me on one of the boys mechanic stools and began to color my hair. The boys started to gag at the smell. Elle and I laughed. Once she was done it had to sit for 30 minutes so she started to do my makeup. She washed out my hair and used this hair drying thing that the boys had laying around. She teased my hair but not too much. She dragged me to the mirror. I was really impressed I looked great.

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