Episode 1 - Mr. Pudgy's Epic Adventure

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Trust Fund Babies

Copyright © 2011 TvSeriesInABook

All rights reserved

Written by : Sheena (crimsonnebula), Tara (xangelsmomx), Sierra (SheMakesTimeDisapear) and Audrey (NinjaComesNaturally)

Cover and Banner by : Susan (Spicychic18) and Duchess (dvkesa)

Edited by : Alexandra (Sephira)

COPYRIGHT This story, Trust Fund Babies including all chapters,prologues, epilogues and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders) is copyrighted under Copyright, Designs, and Patent Act of 1988. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

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Episode 1-- Mr. Pudgy’s Epic Adventure.

Video on the side is the trailer made by Audrey (NinjaComesNaturally)

5 days ago (Before the heist)

     It was late Saturday night in Las Vegas. Normally, the weekends were the best time to party - especially in a city known for sex, drugs, and money. But, it wasn't party central for Troy right now. He was working. Troy frowned in dismay at the thought.

     Sitting alone in his two bedroom bachelor pad, the technological Einstein was at his computer desk staring intently at the three monitors currently lit up in front of him. He took a bite of the left-over Chinese takeout he had ordered the night before with one hand while the other flew expertly over the keyboard in front of him.

     Troy, to put it bluntly, was a computer geek. He harnessed his gift when he was given his first desktop computer at the young age of seven. For a kid at that age, the thought of manipulating the world wide web sounded like a dream come true. He thought about the endless possibilities of manipulating mankind with a single click - of having the world at his feet. That was all the motivation Troy needed as he grew older to master the art of hacking. Through his high school years, Troy’s talent expanded, leaving him with the potential to break into databases worldwide easily.

     It didn’t help that he was incredibly good-looking as well. Troy caught his reflection in the glass window. His unruly dark hair stuck out in different angles and his matching eyes held that hint of mischief that so many simple women fell for. A moment of pride flooded through Troy as he mused over the fact he was good-looking and smart- a completely beautiful, and deadly, combination.

     "God, it's a Saturday! I should be partying with the ladies," he grumbled to himself. Unfortunately, for now, partying had to be at the bottom in his priority list. Troy knew that, but still, he was a human male and complaints came naturally when wired for this job. With the world continually revolving around on its axis, there was bound to be good shit happening somewhere in the intervals of an hour, if not minutes.

     As his keen eyes scanned through the current events one by one, reading the same old crap, just a different day about dumb assholes, stupid imbeciles which happened on a daily basis, his eyes suddenly froze. Could this be the one?

     "Holy crap..." he muttered, dropping the old takeout carton to the floor.

     Troy zoomed into the article on the screen and started to read aloud.  "...Paul Vito, son of a prominent mobster, Nuncio Martini Vito, was killed in a drive by shootout in Queens, New York. Resources said that deceased son was..."

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