Episode 6: The Beginning

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Trust Fund Babies

Copyright (c) 2011TvSeriesInABook

All rights reserved

Written by: Sheena (crimsonnebula), Tara (xangelsmomx), Sierra (SheMakesTimeDisapear), and Audrey (NinjaComesNaturally)

Cover and Banney by: Susan (Spicychic18) and Duchess (dvkesa)

Edited by: Sierra (SheMakesTimeDisapear)

COPYRIGHT This story, Trust Fund Babies including all chapters, prologues, epilogues, and associated content (i.e. fanfics, teasers, and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders) is copyrighted under Copyright, Designs, and Pantent Acto f 1988. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringment of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.


Katharine let out a wild “WOOOHOOO!” as the Ashton launched itself over a  curb. She could feel her arms becoming pin straight as she banked another corner. The blonde driver laughed like a giddy drunk as a gunshot sounded from behind.

“Katharine, left turn now!” Panterra hissed from the backseat before being thrown roughly into the man next to her. The shrill of the cop cars only grew louder as more and more were added to the hoard; some on patrol - who wanted a little action - and ones who actually wanted to catch them. It didn’t matter; one way or the other, they were in a deep pile of shit. Troy felt the blood slam itself into the right side of his body as the crazy (sexy) blond beside him turned sharply to the left. If he weren’t about to die from possible brain hemorrhages, Troy would’ve taken the time to enjoy the devious look on the driver’s face. He could think of a few more times where that face would be enjoyable. He smirked; very enjoyable.

“Eh, cowboy! If you’re just going to sit there and not make yourself useful, then get the hell out of the way!” Panterra snapped, yanking herself into a sitting position. Kyler grunted at the sharp push of her elbow into his stomach.

“Easy there Xena, these are valuable,” he retorted, rubbing a hand on his sore abs. Panterra rolled her eyes at him before letting out a sharp shout when Katharine rounded another 360, momentarily confusing the cop cars. The red speedster lurched forward again, whiplashing Kyler into the corner window.

“For God’s sake, let me drive!” Troy felt a rush of relief overflow him as Kyler yanked the wheel out of Blondie’s hands, her small feet still pressing the accelerator. Kyler maneuvered expertly through the streets, swerving to and fro to avoid the cops' bullets. Panterra felt nausea crush her like a steam roller as her blood continued to decorate the backseat. It dropped in thick streams onto the carpet, seeping into the material. Pushing herself up to a sitting position once more, her vision blurred around the edges as she tried to look over the muscular bulk leaning over the console.

“Move it!” Panterra gasped out, tugging weakly on the man’s collar. Kyler grunted out: “Just lie down and die already.” She felt the remaining blood rush to her head then to her toes as the sapphire-eyed man swung the car flawlessly over another curb, knocking over a hot dog vending stand. Katharine was still sitting angrily in the front seat, trying to pry the man’s hands off the rubber wheel.

“Let go, you pig! I got this under control!” Troy let out a scream as sparks flew against his door, the cop beside him ramming him.

“Holy shit, they’re trying to box us in!” Troy spat out frantically. Kyler scowled before hissing: “What else is new, genius?!”

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