Episode 8: Happy Family?

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Trust Fund Babies

Copyright (c) 2011TvSeriesInABook

All rights reserved

Written by: Sheena (crimsonnebula), Tara (xangelsmomx), Sierra (SheMakesTimeDisapear), and Audrey (NinjaComesNaturally)

Cover and Banner by: Susan (Spicychic18) and Duchess (dvkesa)

Edited by: Alexandra (Sephira)

COPYRIGHT This story, Trust Fund Babies including all chapters, prologues, epilogues, and associated content (i.e. fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks, and eReaders) is copyright under Copyright, Design, and Patent Act of 1988. Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

Katharine had slept on a bench outside of a train station. The reason for her questionable sleeping arrangements were all thanks to a stupid phone call from her ‘beloved’ father.

“Catherine, where are you?” The man demanded through the slim piece of communicative technology.

Kate’s small hands clenched tightly to the smooth rectangular phone. His voice had brought back so many memories - some good, most bad. He had a deep baritone voice tinged with the accent that came so familiarly with the territory he lived in. France; her home, the place she had grown up. Just by the sound of his voice she felt like the small little girl she had been. She felt like she was back in her pink room, her father scolding her for shaving the cat with his electric razor...

Before she could stop herself from sounding breakable and fragile, she spoke into the microphone, sounding small: “Papa?”

There was silence for a few moments and she could tell just from the quiet that he was struggling, battling the conflicted emotions he felt for her. But just before she began to hope - to pretend that he actually cared - his voice changed to all business.

“Where are you, Catherine, so that I can send a jet to pick you up?”

Kate sighed and pushed her hair behind her ear. “I’m not coming home.”

Jean Du Monde grunted, clearly surprised by his daughters defiance. “And why not?”

“France is no longer where I want to be.”

He sighed and Kate imagined his hand dragging tiredly over his face like he used to do when he was aggravated with her games. But this time it wasn’t a game.

“Is this because of that girl? The one with the dark blond hair?”

She stopped breathing. There was absolutely no way he could know about Panterra, she wouldn’t allow it. Calming herself, she took a deep breath. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Ton amie (your friend), Catherine, ton amie!” He snapped, impatience crowding his voice through the phone. “I have photos of you with her, Catherine, do not think that you have been successfully hiding from me. Besides, she’s dangerous!”

“Papa, you have no right--”

“I’m your father! All rights are mine! Mon Dieu (my god), Catherine I can’t just let you drop off the face of the earth!”

“Why not?!” Kate cried, “It’s not like you wanted me around!”

“Now, ma cher (my dear), you knew you were always welcome here. You ran away on your own accord, I had nothing to do with that.”

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