Episode 2 - Nothing But Cash and Gas

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Trust Fund Babies

Copyright © 2011 TvSeriesInABook

All rights reserved

Written by : Sheena (crimsonnebula), Tara (xangelsmomx), Sierra (SheMakesTimeDisapear) and Audrey (NinjaComesNaturally)

Cover and Banner by : Susan (Spicychic18) and Duchess (dvkesa)

Edited by : Alexandra (Sephira)

COPYRIGHT This story, Trust Fund Babies including all chapters,prologues, epilogues and associated content (i.e fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders) is copyrighted under Copyright, Designs, and Patent Act of 1988. Any unauthorised copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

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Episode 2 - Nothing But Cash and Gas

Sun flitted through the windows of Panterra and Kate's apartment, light coating every exposed crevice. It was early in the morning, the sun barely beginning to rise. But Panterra didn't mind - she was too anxious to sleep. Wads of money laid beside her and Kate's suit cases. There was at least one thousand dollars and Panterra quickly calculated the prices for gas, tickets, hotels, food, and the bribery she would need in order to get Kate's equipment past security. Some would be surprised at the underlying corruption of America. Panterra sighed in frustration as she finished packing Kate's bag. It annoyed Terra to no end on how girly and romantic her younger counterpart was, but it was also the reason why Kate was so lovable. Ugh.

Panterra's emerald eyes flickered to the clock on the night stand, anxious. They had a good five hour drive ahead of them and then another two hour plane ride. This didn't seem so bad, except that Katharine had the attention span of a spoon and Panterra got motion sickness. She shook her head.  Briefly Terra touched on the thought of bringing some crossword puzzles and books to keep her blonde friend busy. She placed the items into her bag, knowing there wouldn't even be enough room for a safety pin in Kate's suitcase.

"Terra? What are you doing up? It's almost four o'clock," Kate's voice mumbled out as she sat up and wiped her groggy vision, her large pale blue eyes wondering and a little annoyed.

Suddenly, the younger blond smiled at the two neat suitcases on the end of the bed and the already showered Terra standing before her. Kate was tempted to tease her perfectionist of a friend, but held her tongue, still feeling tired.

"We need to get a move on - I would've left an hour earlier, but someone needs her beauty sleep," Panterra teased lightly, looking at her from under long lashes. Kate sat up and immediately dragged herself to the bathroom. She groaned at the lack of toiletries in the cupboard.

"Terra, you packed my toothbrush and my make up and my-"

"You can brush your teeth and apply your make up on the way. You've done it before." Kate scowled at her friend's response. She was such a busy body. Sometimes Terra really needed to stop and smell the roses. Not everything needed a schedule.

"You have ten minutes!" Terra added as she passed the open door. Kate waved off her words and watched as she ran into the kitchen, grabbing bags of chips and soda. Watching her work made Kate want to smile and frown at the same time.

Katharine fidgeted nervously at the opening of the door, before saying: "How about I drive this time, Terra? It must be annoying to have to do it every time we go on a mission."

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