New team member?

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Jules POV: I am running Sierra 1 well Ed is Sierra 2. He has a shot so we switch so Ed is Sierra 1 and I'm Sierra 2 so he can take a shot if he needs to. Spike is trying to negotiate with Sarg but it's not going well. "Ed, make mid-20s man broke through perimeter. Oh wait I recognize him he's the son. Lou can you grab him?" Lou grabs him and Sarg calls me down to negotiate. Lou takes my place as Sierra 2. I start walking towards the guy and he points the gun at me. Of course Wordy ran to get the guy and pin him well the gun goes off but lucky in my arm so I can come to work tomorrow.

I smile as I walk over to pack our gear back up. The guys hugs me and I smile knowing I did something right. Lou and Spike take each of my hands and walks me to paramedics. They pull off my jacket and stitch my arm up. Once it's wrapped I'm good to go so Lou and Spike help me back down and I finish packing up the gear. This guy comes up behind me and says" Hi I'm Sam." "Good for you." "No I mean Sam Braddock." He reaches into his pocket and I pull my gun and see the others do the same. I hear Captain Hatter "Drop your guns." I react and put down my gun and I grab Spike's
and Lou's guns at the top and push them down gently. Spike hugs me protectively and I hug him back. I see Sam glare at Spike and I just look at Sam.  I knew I liked him and not just as a friend. "Wait Jules were you in the Marines?" "Yeah. Team 51 elite of the elite, Why?"   "I was on the team. Here's a picture and I remember talking to you." I look at the picture and see me and then a see Sam. "You look different, now I know why I thought I knew you. We're best friends remember?" "Yeah, you want to start from there?"   "Yeah."  He comes and hugs me and I smile at Spike.

I hear Winnie trying to contact me in the earpiece. "Winnie are you there?"  "Jules tell the team to get down now!" "Why?" "I'm seeing a sniper." I scream"Get down" to my team. Sam looks at me and I tackle him right before the sniper shoots.Sam looks at me and says" I owe you dinner." "Alright when we get back." We all decide to go to dinner and Spike sits on my left and Lou sits across from me and Sam sits on my right. Then Sam asks" Are you married to Spike?" "No Spike and Lou are my brothers. Before you say because I don't look like Lou same mother different father well me and Spike have the exact same parents but that's why their protective their my brothers." "That's cool." "Yup."

I get a phone call and it's a immediate hot call. Winnie tells us to come back to get our gear but it's in the cars and everyone in their uniforms. We jump in the cars and drive to the location. I hear the inspector"It's the Calvary." I laugh and shake my head. There's a bomb threat at two places in this building. I hear Spike saying that me and him are going to disable the bomb."No take Lou and I'll disarm the other bomb that's cover by the trash bags." "Ok I'll talk you through."  I start walking over there and guess what I step on.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to continue in a different chapter. Please comment and vote and stay tuned.

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