The Incident That Changes Our Lives Forever

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A/N This is 4 months later. Sorry for the time skip.

Jules POV: Today is the day I walk my best friend down the aisle. I'm excited to walk her down the aisle, I just think her dad should do it. But much like mine and Sam's he refuses to let his daughter marry anyone. At least on the bright side her dad didn't try to kill her well she was pregnant. I don't work in the field anymore considering I'm 8 months pregnant. I actually work behind the desks with Winnie and Kira sending Team One on hot calls. Which reminds me I need to check for hot calls. I see a bank robbery on my screen. "Team One hot call. 815 W 45th St, it's a bank and there's a robbery in progress with 2 undercover cops and an armed robber." "Thanks Jules." "Be safe, look out for each other and I love you."

   I watch them run out then Sarg comes back in and grabs my hand and we run out to the SUV's. "What am I suppose to do?" "Your in the van recording everything." I nod and stay in the van when they jump out. I turn on the recorder and that's all I have to do. I sit back and relax but I still have my guard up. I can't help but think about later. I mean in an hour I'll be walking Kira down the aisle. I can't wait to see my dress, Kira got our sizes and got the dresses so I have no idea what my dress will look like. I'm excited to see my dress. "Jules?" "Yeah Spike?" "This guy, his wife was kidnapped and she's pregnant, 8 months in fact. David only wants to talk to the girl on the team and your the only girl but your pregnant so you don't have to." "No it's fine, if I can help then I want to." "Fine but me and Sam are going in as your cover." "Okay."

  I go to the door and open it slowly open it. I see Sam running towards me and I jump into his arms. The steps broke off and there not fixed yet. He sets me back on the ground and we walk into the bank. I grab the top of Sam's shoulder to signal he can go forward. Spike gets on my left side well Sam is on my right. They cover me and we continue to go in. "Who are you?" "My name is Jules and I'm on team one and the only reason I'm not  dressed in full armor is this." Sam and Spike step out of the way so David can see. "Your pregnant." "I am." "How far along?" "8 months." "Don't you have a partner?" "I do." "Who?" "He's on team one. He's amazing at helping people. He's considerate and caring and loving." "It's the guy on your right." "How do you know?" "Well the way the other guy looks at you is loving but not love love so he's a brother and the guy on the right looks at you head over heels which leaves me to believe that he is your fiancé."

   I smile and then think of what to say next. "Where's you wife?" "Alex Gold has her. He will hurt her that's why I have to get the money." "We can help you and your wife. Where is Alex holding her?" "The docks until our meet in an hour at the park." "Alright thank you and hang tight." I look at the park and see pregnant mothers run there because it's a baby park. "Jules can you?" "Of course. I'll get the wife, well the rest of you get the bad guy or guys." I smile and walk to the park with Sam by my side. I see the guys and my strategic response to get to the wife. I sneak up as the rest of the team scream to get down on the grown and drop the weapons. I untie David's wife from the chair and take the blindfold off her head. I help her up and wrap my arms around her. "Thank you, you saved me. What's your name?" "My name is Jules and I'm on team one, it's the team that rescued you. Before you ask, I am 8 months pregnant. I have also spoken to your husband, he robbed a bank to try and save you. Now come on." "I'm Anna by the way."  "Nice to meet, I would've hope to meet you under better circumstances but let's go."

  I grab her hand and guide her to the car. I help her in and then get in myself. Eventually the rest of the team gets in and we drive back to the office. "Spike can you hand me my phone?" "Sure sis." "Thanks." I look at my phone and see a message from my dad. I immediately erase it and click off my phone. We get to the office and are there for an hour before all of us are called to a bomb threat. "All hands on deck." "Alright Sarg." I run out to the cars and get in with Spike and Lou. "Hey, I love you guys so much." "We love you too." Lou kisses my head and cheek. I kiss his cheek and he smiles. We get out and Spike goes underground to disarm the first bomb. Lou goes to do the second bomb since it only has 15 minutes and it's going to take Spike 15 minutes to disarm that bomb. After 10 minutes I hear Lou. "Jules, stay calm but I just stepped on a landmine." "You what!!!?" "I stepped on a landmine." "Spike you need to hurry up and come save our brother or I'm going in to save him." "I'm coming." 10 minutes later Spike was working on the landmine Lou's standing on. I hold my breathe and hope Spike can disarm the landmine. I see Lou grabbing his phone and I instantly know he's calling mom and our step dad.

   I see Spike run the trash bags to the bomb container. "Jules, I love you so much and I know I will see you again. Tell your baby about me. "Lou don't you dare say goodbye. I love you to much to lose you. You're my whole world, I can't lose you." "Jules you are going to lose both of your brothers if I don't do this." I hear Lou say goodbye to Spike and I break lose from the barrier of Ed, Sam, and Sarg in time to run to Spike and watch my brother take his foot of the land mine. "NOOOOO!!!!!" I start crying and I fall to the ground next to Spike. He's crying and all he does is pull my into his lap and wrap me in his arms. I wrap my arms around him and we both start full out crying. Internal Affairs come and rip me from sitting next to Lou's body in Spike's arms. "Leave her alone." I look up at the Sarg and cry out realizing my brother's really gone. I run back into Spike's arms and he wraps his arms around me as I do the same to him.

  He is crying still to so I now I'm not weak but then again I just watched my brother blow up. I see my step dad, Karl in the crowd trying to get through. "Let him through." The officer looks at Sarg who nods and soon my and Spike are wrapped in Karl's arms. "He sacrificed himself for us." Sarg comes up and says " The examiner doesn't need the body so you can have the memorial." "Thank you." I wiggle my way into Spike's arms as we walk through the crowd. I didn't even notice when Sam wrapped his jacket around me. I just kept walking, wrapped in Spike's arms. When we get to the office I went into Lou's room and grabbed his jacket. I put it on and smell it. It smells like Lou and I get sad. I remember I need to call Donna's and I decide I should go in person.

   I walk out and see Spike. "If your going to Donna's we can have uniforms do it." "No it will be better for me to do it, can you come with me?" "Um I have go get Lou's body." "Ok I can do it. Are we getting it cremated for the funeral tomorrow or just the body?" "Just the body." I nod and walk out. I arrive at Donna's and just in sit in my car. It's not going to be easy to tell your sister in law she's now a pregnant widow. I really like her to. I knock on the door and Angie, their daughter answers the door. "Hi Aunt Jules." "Hi baby is momma here?" "Yeah." "Can you get her for me?" "Yeah." Donna comes to the door and I close the door behind her and lead her to the front porch step. After I tell her she starts crying into my shoulders and of course I start crying. I tell her about the funeral and she then asks me "Can we stay at your place ?" "Yeah, you go pack yourself and I'll pack the kids." She hugs me really tight and I smile. I understand why Donna doesn't want to be alone. I mean its the first night of them not having Lou. I realize that he wont meet my baby and wont see my wedding. I start crying until I feel little hands around my waist. I smile down at Angie and Peter. I pack the kids bags and toys and snacks since Angie and Peter are only 6. I hand them each a toy to play with in the living room well I go check on their mom. I walk in and see her crying and wrap her in a hug. I send her to watch the kids in the living room well I pack her bag. When I finish packing I realize it's already 1 in the morning no wonder I'm tired. I put the bags in the car then help Donna out to the car. She's already 6 months I mean she can get around but right now she's going to need the support.

  I go back in and pick up Angie and Peter. I strap them in and make my the short distance to my apartment. It's funny because in 4 days me and Sam are moving into a 8 bedroom house. I know the kids and Donna will probably end up living with us . I finally arrive at my apartment and I take in all the bags. I come back out and wrap her arm around my neck and guide her to the couch and finally i pick up the kids and set them on the couch. I guide Donna to the bed and tuck in the covers after taking off her shoes. I walk back into the living room to see the kids asleep on my pull out couch. I lay in the middle and wrap my arms around each one. I smile and drift to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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