Chapter 13

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Hey y’all! I tried to find a picture of the driveway, but I couldn’t. Constructive criticism is always appreciated! Please VOTE, COMMENT, AND FAN!



Chapter 13


                “Hey Buttercup, I know what you’re going to be for Halloween.” I looked at Liam curiously. “Wonder Woman!” I laughed, he can’t seriously expect me to dress up like Wonder Woman! She had such a skimpy outfit! I looked over at Liam, waiting for him to start laughing, and when he didn’t I started to get worried.

                “You’re not serious, are you? I would look like a skank!” Now, he laughed.

                “Completely serious. You don’t have to wear exactly what she wore, you can make it so it covers more, but you still have to dress up like her.”

                He really is serious! I don’t think he’s going to let me get out of this! If I was going to have to do this, then he was too. I quickly told him, “I’ll only do it if you be Superman!” he looked pained and rubbed the back of his neck, contemplating. Liam sighed, and nodded his head slowly. I gave him a big smile and a hug, “You don’t have to wear the tights.” I told him.

                Whenever Halloween falls on a school day, which it does this year, our school lets people wear costumes to school, as long as it was dress code. Most of the kids dress up and it’s really cool to see people’s costumes. I personally think it’s really fun to dress up once a year so I always do, but some people think they’re too cool for it and don’t and then they just look out of place. Every Halloween, Liam and I spend the night with our friends at one of our houses. Usually, we get roping into helping hand out candy or being a part of a haunted house, but it’s always fun so we don’t mind.

                I was thinking about how I was going to pull off Wonder Woman without looking like a skank, when I suddenly remembered a shirt I had. It was red on top with the yellow Wonder Woman symbol on the chest, had a yellow belt on it, and the bottom half was blue with white stars on it. I would just wear skinny jeans, red boots, and a tiara! Hmmm, where could I get a gold or yellow tiara?

                Hmmm, I wonder what Liam is going to wear. Knowing him, it’ll just be a Superman shirt, red jacket for a cape, yellow belt, jeans, and red Converse. There’s no way he’s going to pull some red underwear up over his jeans, even though it would make him look more like Superman.

                Liam and I were sitting on the rug in my family room, playing Monopoly. Of course, he was winning. By a lot. I was about to go bankrupt when I landed on free parking, the best spot on the whole Monopoly board. Shrieking in glee, I picked up the huge pile of money and counted $1285. I spread the money in my hand and started to fan myself while I could Liam counting all the pieces of paper with his mouth hanging open.

                And so, our game of Monopoly pushed on because we always completely finish, never just abandoning our game. A couple hours later, we were both obviously hungry, but we were determined to finish before we ate. Liam had 8 $10s, 4 $5s, 1 $500, 3 $200s, 8 $100s, and a $1. He was 5 places away from Boardwalk, which I owned and had a hotel on, and it was his turn. He held his breath and threw the dice. The first one rolled and stopped at 3, while the other was still rolling. The second dice seemed to take ages as it hit the side of a leg on the coffee table and stop on the number 2.

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