Chapter 16

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Sorry for not uploading sooner, but I lost the first version of the chapter so I had to start over.



Chapter 16


                Clicks filled my ears as I scrolled through the songs on my iPod. Sighing in frustration, I shoved it back in my bag. How hard is it to find a good song to sing? Well I guess my plan failed. Sofia and Steve were supposed to convince Liam to join the talent show and now its Friday after the last bell has rung so that didn’t happen. I was supposed to pick out a song for him to sing in said show, and I couldn’t find a good one, so that didn’t happen either.

                “Brae!”  I snapped my head in the direction from which the voice came. A smile formed on my lips at the sight of Liam making his way towards me, but it quickly disappeared when I saw the confusion and hurt on his face. “Why did you just leave me in the classroom when the bell rang?” Holy beejezus! I did, didn’t I? I motioned with crazy motions all around my head to try to show that I had spaced out. “Whoa! Calm down there Buttercup! I get it!” I sighed in relief and the smile found its way back to my lips. Laughing, Liam returned my smile and I knew I was forgiven.

                We slowly started walking to Liam’s car, which I had been driving all week. Taking the keys out of my pocket, I pressed the unlock button and heard the locks click open. After a couple seconds of walking, we reached the car and slid in. Liam took my book bag from me and tossed it in the backseat with his and the crutches. I started up the car and pulled out of the school parking lot.

                After about 10 minutes, we pulled into the driveway of my house and got out of the car. I reached into the backseat and grabbed my book bag. Straightening up, I saw that Liam had a determined look on his face. Oh no, I thought anxiously, what is he going to do now? I got my answer when he took a step towards the front door without getting his crutches out of the car. “Liam!” I exclaimed, running around the car and standing in front of him. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?” I demanded, staring up at his face.

                Liam gently pushed me out of his way and told me, “Walking to the door.”

                “Not without your crutches you aren’t.” I said, running up to him again and standing in his path.

                “Yes I am.” Without looking at me, he sidestepped and resumed walking. I huffed, and watched him walk. There was no way that I could stop a man who was almost a foot taller than me and had at least 60 pounds on me. Besides, it looked like his ankle was fine. He was barely limping and I couldn’t see any signs of pain in his body. I trailed behind him muttering under my breath with my head down. I heard the lock click open and the creak of the door hinges as they followed suit.

                “Hey!” Liam exclaimed, turning around to face me. “I am not a stupid man!” I blushed and just stuck my tongue out at him, embarrassed that he had heard what I was saying under my breath. Shrugging, I sprinted past him into the house, dropping my book bag somewhere in the front hallway and diving onto the couch.

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