Chapter 15

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Hey y’all! Please listen to the song on the side because it’s amazing! Sorry it took so long for me to upload, but here it is!



Chapter 15


                I was laughing at something Sofia had said as we walked into our next class.  Walking to our table, I heard Sofia whisper in an odd voice, “Initiate the plan.” I looked at her with amusement in my eyes, silently laughing. Where did she come up with that voice? It was like it was part Terminator, part smoker, part evil genius. “What? You didn’t like the voice?” She asked innocently, which just had me laughing even harder. Quietly humming the James Bond theme song, we both slunk over to the table where Liam was already sitting like we were spies.

                We arrived at our destination and I slid into the seat beside Liam, while Sofia claimed the seat beside me because his crutches were laying in the other seat beside him. Liam looked up from the doodles he was drawing on his notebook to smile at me. He grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers through mine underneath the table. Heat spread from my fingertips up my arm and I smiled at him. He kissed me quickly and softly on the lips. I pulled away with my eyes closed, still smiling, and I heard Sofia cooing over us.

                I ignored her and opened my eyes to see my boyfriends rolling his eyes. Hmm, was that because of Sofia or something else? I looked around us and saw everybody staring at me and Liam. I blushed and let my wavy hair fall in my face to cover my burning cheeks. Hearing a deep laugh come from beside me, I looked up hesitantly and saw Liam looking down at me with a twinkle in his eyes. Oh no, what is that look for?

                Liam made a big show of bringing our interlaced fingers up on the table, where everybody could see. Whispers immediately broke out and I heard Sofia lightly laughing beside me. “I can’t wait to see how fast the gossip spreads.” She told us with glee in her eyes. I groaned and tried to push the thoughts about what people would come up with out of my mind.

Right at that instant, Mr. Trumball entered the room and shouted, “Settle down, people! Settle down! What in the world has gotten into you kids?”  Every face in the room turned towards our table and I heard the legs of Sofia’s chair screeching as she fled the limelight. I watched as our teacher turned and his eyes landed on mine and Liam’s hands which were still sitting on the tabletop. His eyebrows raised and he asked, “What? Were they describing the internal workings of our two main character’s relationship? No? Then I suggest you all open your novels to where we last left off.”

                I sighed in relief as everybody turned their attention back to their novels and away from us. Before going to his desk, Mr. Trumball gave me and Liam a wink, making me give him a thankful smile.

                Class flew by and nobody had a chance to talk to their friends about Liam and I, which I was extremely grateful for. The only thing I was disappointed about so far today is that nobody seems to remember the video of Liam because they were too preoccupied with the new gossip. Oh well, it’ll come up again soon enough!

                The bell rang and everyone stood up, filling the room with the horrible noise of metal scratching against tiles. I winced slightly and looked up to see a concerned Liam. “What’s wrong?” I gestured to my ears and he seemed to understand. Slowly, everybody trickled out of the classroom and we finally were able to get through the door with Liam’s crutches without anyone being in danger or injury.

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