Not Oh So Perfect

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Perfect's green eyes scanned Peter's face eagerly for even a bit of mercy but Peter had none.

His eyes were dark and ruthless.

"Dare" Perfect spoke breaking the tension in the room.

Everyone sighed in relief. They had all frozen to hear Perfect's answer and they had it.

They were all not expecting her to choose dare since Perfect had being choosing truth ever since the start of the game.

They were all tired of hearing her admit her dirty secrets from how many guys she has slept with, to how many guys she had dated.

Perry, Perfect's boyfriend couldn't handle the truths anymore so he had excused himself to go outside to get some fresh air.

Peter clapped his hands excitedly as he thought of all the dirty things he could get perfect Perfect to do.

Should he ask her to dump Perry?

Would she do it?

I mean, no one supported their relationship anyways, they were just too perfect for each other.

It's like Mila Kunis dating Chris Hemsworth.

Or even Mitch Hewer marrying Lucy Hale... too perfect, right?

Peter kept searching his mind thoroughly as he lewed at Perfect.

He scanned her pretty cute face.

From her perfect black hair to her green eyes, those cute kissable lips, then to her small neck, down her cleavage to....

Peter could go on and on and on about Perfect and wouldn't finish

Everything on her screams Perfection.

And Perry could see that that's why he's dating her, right?

Or it could be something more.

Peter sat there and rubbed his chin in deep thoughts. His eyes never leaving Perfect.

"Quit it with the suspense, Peter and just let us hear the dare... anything, our queen here will do it, c'mon" A blonde guy, Tyler said impatiently.

"Just say it, if you want her to even give me a lap dance, she will... but you better dare her fast before the audacious Perry Simmons shows up" Tyler added.

Everyone bursted out laughing.

Even Perfect. Even though she was super tensed.

Peter sighed and sat upright in his couch and cleared his throat.

Perfect's breath cut up in her throat, her blood stopped flowing to her brain.

She was not neccesarily Peter's enemy but she couldn't... she couldn't bring herself to trust the guy.

Because Peter had asked her to be his girlfriend before she accepted Perry's proposal.

So she couldn't put a finger on it whether Peter held a grugde against Perry or not.

She had caught those two fighting in the jock's locker room back at school and when she asked Perry why, he said boys stuff but she couldn't deny that that fight was about her.

"Perfect..." Peter finally said...

The atmosphere thickened in the room again.

"I... I want you to..."


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I bet you this is just the beginning, it's about to get more better...

Remember to leave a comment so i can know what you guys think...

If i don't know what you think, i wouldn't know whether to continue or not.







By: r3bel_queen

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