Not Oh So Perfect

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Perfect and Michelle made it downstairs where everyone was waiting.

Eager eyes stared at them as they walked in.

No one had ever seen Perfect dressed in rags before only designer clothes designed and worn by famous models.

Even in rags, Perfect looked sexy, Peter thought as his hungry eyes roamed around Perfect's body.

"So, you guys wanted to see me like this... so here I am" Perfect said with a shrugg.

The hoodie was huge when Michelle had worn it but on Perfect, it was just perfect!!.

"Perry should see this!" Aline said breathlessly as she took out her iPhone and took pictures of Perfect.

Perfect groaned and hid behind Michelle as everyone laughed.

"How much do you think the Paparrazi will pay to see Perfect dressed in rags??" Patricia asked as her camera also flashed around, taking several pictures of Perfect.

Indeed the paparrazi would pay dozens of thousands to see Perfect dressed like that.

I mean, she's a famous model's daughter who never wore rags so hell yeah!.

"Enough already, if Perry breaks up with me because of these pictures i will kill both of you personally!" Perfect threatened with a whine.

Michelle giggled.

After some minutes, they sat back down and the game continued.

Many heartless dares and tragic truths were unravelled.

After what looked like an hour, Perfect decided to check on Perry who had being outside for way too long.

She got up and walked out, up to the upstairs balcony.

She looked and walked around but she couldn't find Perry.

She walked on further and she saw Perry... but he wasn't alone, he was standing there with a short girl Perfect had never seen before... and they were standing a bit too close.

"Pe... Perry??" Perfect stuttered to call out but because of the distance, Perry nor the short lady couldn't hear them... they were too buried in their conversation.

Then suddenly, the lady drew Perry in and kissed him deeply.

Perfect nearly fainted.

Her world came crushing down right before her eyes.

Perry kissing another girl at his own party?

How long has this being going on? Perfect wondered. How long has she being playing the blind jack?

Tears swelled up in Perfect's eyes.

She couldn't take it any longer.

So she started to ran back inside only to bump into someone.

Perfect cowered and lifted up her head.

"You again, what the hell do you want from me?!" Perfect demanded with a sob.

The man, Billy, only laughed heartily.

"Well, well, well... this is kinda my lucky day, Perfect is all alone, she's crying and she's also dressed in rags".

"I already told you to leave me alone!" Perfect ordered but it came out weak like a plead.

"But i am not doing anything wrong, dearie, i just keep on asking the same question... who are you, Perfect?" Billy demanded calmly.

So who is Perfect really?

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I was feeling so tired but i still wrote it for you

So show some love, please, i will really appreciate it.

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By: r3bel_queen

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