1. Hope

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First chapter! I hope you guys (my old supporters as well as you newbies) like this! It's a totally different plot from MOL but I think you guys will still like it!  xx By the way, what does everyone feel about the cover? Like or Hate it? I guess you guys know who my cast is but I love casting couples! (whether or not they're broken up!) xxxxx
Love, Hilda.

Picture at the side is of Hope :) 
Song at the side is Tom Odell's Hold Me. Don't play it, just listen to it on your own time. Ah-MAZING!
Oh and please click on my External Link if you want to support my Facebook page :) 

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1. Hope
- Hope - 

"Hope Savannah Blakely get your scruffy a$s down here or so help me god--" 

"Jesus muffin christ, Bry, calm the heck down!" I hiss, still finding it hard to look for proper clothes to wear for my first official pack meeting sitting alongside my parents. Usually I was only supposed to sit where the 'little pups' were but now I was sixteen--officially of age and allowed to be sitting along the Alpha's and Beta's. 

But...I wasn't officially looking forward to it. 

I just didn't want to look like an absolute idiot. I mean, this was the first time I would be addressed as the future Alpha Female--that is unless my mate was an Alpha himself. I know for sure he wouldn't be because I was an second degree Alpha Princess. With my evil grandmother being the Alpha Queen of Spain and my mother being a Princess, I was a second degree one which meant that the Fates and Lupa wouldn't dare connect me with an Alpha Male...otherwise we'd have a battle for dominance.

And I'd probably end up destroying him.

There's no ego there at all--just a fact. I inherited my mother's powers as a Riser which meant I could manipulate certain things. Where my mother had the magic or power to manipulate the winds, the earths, minds and such things, I could only manipulate minds and the air around me. Thankfully I was never one to really truly want much power so my mother having it all doesn't matter to me.

"Jeez, Hope, how long does it take to find something to wear?" Bryan shouts, slamming the door of my room in the pack house. I groan internally and keep searching for clothes, ignorning his constant whining.

I truly wonder whatever I saw in Bryan...him being my ex-boyfriend and all. Mom and dad never approved of Bryan when he was my boyfriend but as soon as he turned eighteen and found his mate my parents didn't even care if he was strutting in my room naked. 

Thankfully, he'd only done that twice, borrowing clothes for his mate and our friend Mary after they shifted and...fooled around in the forest and after he shifted and needed to borrow any kind of shirt. Of course I gave him a bright pink on that had 'I need a man in my life!' written on the logo. 

The guys never let him live it down. 

Finally, I found the clothes to wear and tied my hair up into a bun before examining my teeth and checking for the three packs of chocolate I had to compensate for my nerves. Thank goodness I didn't bring five otherwise the jeans wouldn't fit me! 

Putting my clean Violet and Black Doc Martens, I opened the door, offering Bryan a shining one-kilowatt--'I'll be okay smile' . Hopefully, I will be. 

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I was not going to be okay. 

The subject had come up--the one subject I prayed not to. Alpha Daughters always had suitors and I mean always--whether it was the title they wanted or me as a prize, I didn't really know--or care. But then the subject of arranging the mateship of the Alpha Daughter comes up and suddenly the whole pack goes biserk!

It was horrifying to say the least.

I could tell they all judged me as soon as I sat alongside my mother. She held my hand the whole time--like the first day of kindergarted and offered me a bittersweet smile. She knew somehow that something was going to go wrong.

And when one of the Omega's asked me whether I would find a mate before my eighteenth I completely blanked out. So far I'd had at least fifty-seven suitors who I felt no attatchment too...so I was getting judged plenty as a failure of a future Alpha female. 

So they figured I should have an arranged marriage...an arranged f*cking marraige. 

"Hope doesn't need to do anything she doesn't want to do!" shouted Bryan's familiar voice. Though I couldn't see him amidst the two hundred or so pack members I knew it was him, my best friend defending me for the fact that I should have my own free will. 

"Silence!" my father shouted in his strongest Alpha tone. He hated using his Alpha tone and I was thankful that he'd never used it on me. "This meeting is now concluded. I've no time to argue my daughter's case nor do I wish for it. Hope will make her own decisions."

And just like that, case closed. 

Or so I thought.  

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