Chapter 7

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Owen and I made our way back to the control room, where the guard tried to stop us for our IDs.

"I've worked here for almost six years, Jeremy, I don't think I need to show you my security badge!" I shouted as Owen talked to Claire.

"They're not using lethals," Owen told me as I joined the conversation.

"What?" I turned toward Claire. "How many people did you want to die today, Claire? I personally saw that dinosaur bite a security guard in half. You pull that team out, and you give them lethals, or a whole lot more people are going to die today."

"We have put twenty six million dollars into this project, Ms. Smith, we are not about to waste it."

"And you would much rather waste the lives of those innocent people, Mr. Masrani?" The park owner just turned away.

"At least evacuate the park," Owen pleaded.

"We'd never re-open," Claire countered.

"Oh, come on!"

"Mr. Graby, if you will not be helpful in this situation, we must ask you to leave."

"Fine." Owen walked out, and I quickly followed behind him.

"What now?"

"There's nothing else we can do. Claire won't be evacuating the island anytime soon. We just have to hope the Indominus won't get any closer to the park."

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