Oneshot Type Of Thing?

654 24 18

A clank.

That's what woke a small nine year old Simon up. He looked over at his friend Ashley, who was sleeping on the bed next to him. The little boy got up and shook her gently. "Ashley!" He shyly whispered.
"Hm?" Ashley asked, staring into Simon's green eyes. She woke up immediately when she saw that they were full of fear. "What happened?"
Another clank.
Simon started whimpering. "T-That noise!" Ashley grimaced, and got out of her bed. "We'll go see what it is." She took hold of Simon's small hand and walked out the room.
Simon was crying now, afraid of what might happen. Was he going to die?
"Someone's in here!" Ashley said, literally picking up Simon and carrying him downstairs. Simon pouted. Then his face morphed into fear as he saw a middle aged man, walking through his living room, picking up pictures and other items.
Ashley put down Simon, grabbed the nearest object-which was a bat- and charged.
The man saw her too early, and he pulled out a gun and shot her leg. Ashley screamed as the bullet made impact on her bare leg, and Simon cried as he saw the blood. The bullet shell rolled to his small feet.
"ASHLEY!" he yelled, and as the man was about to shoot, Simon clamped his jaws on his hand.
"GET OFFA ME RUNT!" he yelled, pushing Simon off and aiming the gun at him. Ashley was on the floor, using the bat for support.
Simon grabbed the gun, and soon, kicked the man in the groin.
The man screamed, and smirked. "Fine. Take the gun! I'll just take your little friend!" The man grabbed Ashley's leg, and she cried out as he pressed his thumb into her wound.
Ashley was crying.
That made Simon mad. No one hurt Ashley. The one who was always there for him.
White heat raced into Simon's mind, his face hot.
Then his fingers wrapped around the trigger and...
"LET HER GO!" Simon cried, tears streaming down his face. "SIMON! SIMON, STOP!" Ashley begged.
For the first time, Simon opened his eyes and stared wide eyed at the man, who was riddled with bullet holes. Simon made a successful shot in his skull.
"A-Ashley?" Simon asked, fully sobbing. "A-ASHLEEEYYY!" Ashley wiped the tears from Simon's cheeks and wrapped him in a hug.
The two children's pajamas were covered in blood stains and sweat.
"It's okay Simon. Everything will be okay."

A bit of backround on Simon's headcanon

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