A SimonHDS90 Story

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Here be the first chap of the story I wrote for SIMONS HEADCANOOONNNNN

I changed it up a bit too

That day was a day I wish I could forget.

People call me a hero. A brave soul.

I wasn't.

Some called me a wimp. A fool. A child.

I was.

I was only nine at the time. What else was I supposed to do? Let the woman die?

I remembered it like it was yesterday. Sadly, it was engraved in my mind.

Me and my closest friend, Ashley, were in our house having a sleepover. Our parents were downstairs, with guests.

It was late, and I yawned as Ashley tucked me in. I knew Ashley like she was actually my family. She always knew when I was sad or upset. She made me feel like I had a chance at protecting something.

Anyway, we heard the noise at three o'clock. It was a minor sound. A clank. But enough to wake me up. Nervously, I got out of bed and crawled to Ashley. "A-Ashley?" I asked as she groaned and stirred.

She looked up at me, and jolted up when she saw the fear in my eyes. "What happened?" She asked, searching my body for any signs of harm. Clank.

My eyes get wider and I whimper. "That noise!" Ashley grimaced and grabbed my small hand, dragging me out to the hall. Clank. CRASH!!

I screamed quietly and felt Ashley wipe the tears from my eyes. I smile slightly and we both walked in silence, with me whimpering as the sound got louder with each step.

Ashley gasped, and I tried to look over her shoulder but I was too short. Finally I gave up and looked at her side.

There were my parents and her guests, hands in the air as a middle-aged man held up a Desert Eagle, pointing it at a man's face. The man was frozen in fear.

"Give me all your money or I'll shoot!" The middle aged man yelled, as the fear filled younger took out his wallet. Then I cried as a bullet met his skull.

The woman—most likely his wife— screamed as her husband's blood splattered over her. My mom was shivering in fear and Ashley's father was hypervenilating.

"MOM!" I yelled as the man pointed the gun to her. I ran, almost tripping down the stairs, and clamped my jaws around the man's hand as Ashley swung my baseball bat from my closet into his knee.

The man screamed, and shot a bullet. Ashley screamed as blood stained her nightgown, a bullet wound pierced her pale bare leg. She fell, using the bat for support.

"Don't hurt her!" I yelled, grabbing the gun by the barrel, and trying to pull it off of him. The adults were frozen.

"Little runt! Give me my gun back!" He screamed, punching me hard in my gut. I cried out, still not letting go. Then-


The man groaned as he clutched a bleeding hole in his stomach. He let go of the Desert Eagle, and I held it protectively.

The man stretched his hand and grabbed my tiny foot. "Get away!" I screamed, looking at Ashley with her injured leg.


I shot the man in the chest again. He let out a harsh scream and grabbed my neck. I screamed louder as he tried to choke me, and I whimpered, "Leave her alone!" Before I—


The force of the shot knocked me back, and I shook against the wall, breathing heavily. I waited for the man to come again and attack.

When he didn't I looked up. My mother was shaking and my father was kneeling down next to Ashley, who stared at the man's body.

That's when I did too. And my green eyes widened.

The man stared at me with glassy eyes, as blood ran down his face in two seperate paths. His look was full of hate and he fell back, crimson blood surrounding his body.

I looked down. The Desert Eagle was still in my small hands. My pajamas were stained in blood splatters and blood quickly traveled to me, seeping into my socks and clothes.

"I-I-WAAAAAAAAAAH!" I let out a long wail, still holding the gun as tears made their way down my face. I'm nine and I killed a man. I killed someone...No matter how evil they were...I killed...

Ashley dragged herself over to me, wiped away my tears and wrapped me in a hug. She smelled like vanilla and warmth. She made me feel safe. She didn't even care about being sticky from blood.

I let out a long sob, hearing her whispering soft things to me. Her hands met mine and she took the gun out of my hands, slowly putting it on the floor.

"Simon, it's okay." She whispered as I sobbed into her shoulder, my small hands clutching her nightgown. "Everything will be okay..."

Seven Years Later...

The revolver was in my hands...

I don't know why I have it. Why do I keep torturing myself with these memories?

Images and the smell of his harsh blood filled my mind...

Then I screamed.

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