Chapter 1

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The sound of the piano filled the air as the birds chirped outside the room. Through the window, the whole Pemberly garden was visible. It gave the same feeling to Elizabeth which she had first received by it when she had moved to the Pemberly as a bride.

"My dear sister," cried Georgiana Darcy, who had stopped playing the pianoforte and looked at Elizabeth quizzically, "what makes you look out of the window instead of focusing on my performance?"

Elizabeth turned around and glared at her sister-in-law with a smile. "Dear Georgiana, whenever I look at the Pemberly gardens, I am so lost in them that I cannot even stop staring at them. I apologise if my action discouraged you."

Georgiana looked at her pianoforte and decided to take a rest.

"I do not understand why it is taking my brother so long. He should be here by now." Said Georgiana.

Elizabeth's cheeks turned bright red upon hearing his name being mentioned. After all, she was Mrs Darcy now.

"Mr Bingley does not let go off your brother that easily, I hope you know that."

As soon as Elizabeth completed her sentence, the door of the room slightly opened as a servant walked in to inform the two ladies of Mr Darcy's arrival.

Honour and Intimacy - A Sequel to Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'Where stories live. Discover now