Chapter 6

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"Mr Darcy, what is your opinion of Mr Everett?" Elizabeth asked. They were seated on the dining table, having their dinner but Georgiana had not joined them since she was not feeling well.

Mr Darcy put down his spoon and raised his eyes to glance at Mrs Darcy. "He is a young gentleman, and quite talented I must say. I viewed some of his works and I was deeply touched by them."

She smiled and nodded her head. "We shall invite him for dinner some day. I would like to know him more."

Curiosity was visible on Mr Darcy's face as he tried to figure out the situation, but he was too lost.

"I know, you must be thinking why am I interested in him. Well, to be honest, I pity my two younger sisters who are still not married and today, I observed Mr Everett. I see a great man and a charming husband, for one of my sisters, within him. I hope nothing, that I have said, offends you." She stated her opinion with a pleasant confidence.

Mr Darcy had not much to say. He replied solemnly; "Not at all offended. I think it is perfectly right for you to worry about your sisters. They are mature now and they have reached the age of marriage."

After hearing her husband's words, Elizabeth grinned in relief and grabbed his hand from across the table.

Just then, Georgiana appeared and she looked pale. Mr and Mrs Darcy were shocked at the sight of her because she looked so weak, with her red nose and her watery eyes which were completely horrifying. Mr Darcy stood up from his place and hurried towards her.

"Georgie, what is wrong?" He whispered as his throat dried out because of fear.

She opened her mouth to say some words but she could not do so, and slowly she shut her eyes and let herself fall into the arms of her brother. He looked Elizabeth, who had come closer to him and gave her a terrifying look. "She has fainted. Please, tell Mrs Reynolds to call Mr Winston."

Elizabeth nodded and walked away from the two towards the door of the dining hall. Meanwhile, Mr Darcy picked up his sister in his arms and carried her upstairs to her room, where he lay her down on her bed and held onto her hand tightly.

"What on Earth has happened to you, Georgie?" His lips quivered as he spoke those words in terror.

Honour and Intimacy - A Sequel to Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice'Where stories live. Discover now