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Now that I wasn't writhing in agony, I could get a good look around the room. It was...well, dark. Like Serenity herself. A four-poster bed sat next to her door, with a black satin comforter. On the wall to our left was a small window, but no light penetrated the thick black velvet curtains. In fact, the only light in the room came from candles lit on her gray dressers and nightstands that were scattered among the room. Her walls were painted a dark gray.

Directly across from where we entered was a white door, the only light color in a sea of dark ones, and I resisted the urge to open it and see what was inside. The room was messy, with piles of clothes and books strewn across her floor, makeup scattered on her dressers.

Adam was explaining my situation to Serenity. She appeared to be listening, but I could tell otherwise. I could tell that she was more interested in Adam than by what he was saying. Also, her eyes kept sliding over to me warily as I looked around. Sometimes, when she glanced at me, we made eye contact for a split-second. She gave me a look that said, 'Don't touch my stuff.'

I tried not to take offense by her obvious lack of trust, but I was starting to hate her more and more by the second. She was dark, secretive, and rude. Adam was telling her every detail of my story, so he was talking the entire time. Serenity had her arms folded over her chest, balancing her weight on one hip as she listened. I got the distinct feeling that I was a child who had misbehaved and my parents were discussing my punishment. That had only ever happened to me a few times, but one that stood out the most was when I was seven or eight, after I had snuck into my mother's car and driven it ino a tree. I cringed internally at the memory. 

When Adam finished, Serenity turned the full force of her gaze on me. She stepped forward and grabbed my face in her hand, closing her eyes. I stood awkwardly while my cheeks were squished between her fingers.

"What are you-" I started, but she shushed me irritably. "But-" Using her free hand, she grabbed a wad of napkins off her dresser and shoved them in my mouth. I gagged and spit them out. Serenity smiled ever so slightly, an expression that looked wrong and oddly disturbing on her.

Adam stood next to us. He looked like he wasn't sure whether to be amused or annoyed.

Serenity's brow was furrowed, frustration lining her features. Her fingers were now digging painfully into my face. "Serenity, ow!" I complained. She didn't seem to hear me. She was too focused on whatever she was doing. Adam looked between us. He tapped Serenity lightly on the shoulder. Her eyes snapped open and bored straight into mine.

Being the nice person she is, she didn't just let me go—she flung me to the side. Surprised, I hit the carpet with a sickening thud. Ignoring Adam's outstretched hand, I staggered to my feet on my own.

"There is something dark in you," said Serenity. "Something powerful." She turned to Adam. "I won't do it."

If I didn't get my Mark, I wouldn't be able to go out into the sun. I would never be able to see my family again, and I didn't have long left. I swayed a little before regaining control of myself. I'd figure it out. I'd find a way.

"Please," I whispered. "I didn't ask for this. It's not my fault. I just want to see my family again."

She crossed her arms over her chest, pursed her lips, and shook her head. "Serenity," Adam cooed, effectively restraining the anger that had begun to swell inside me. "Please. For me." He looked at her with pleading silver eyes, and her arms slowly fell away from her chest. "Fine," she grumbled irritably. "I'm not completely heartless."

Adam smiled. "Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah," said Serenity. She grabbed my arm and yanked me roughly towards the white door. "Let's just get this over with." When her back was turned, Adam shot me a smirk. Even though it infuriated me, I was grateful.

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