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The screaming had stopped a while ago, but it was replaced by the sounds of shattering and crashing. Adam tugged feebly on the chains, desperate to know what was happening. "What do you think's going on up there?" Samuel asked, speaking Adam's thoughts.

"I don't know," Adam answered quietly.

He tilted his head back to look at the chains, and suddenly had an idea. It was a grotesque one, but it just might work. "Mr. Owens," he said, "I have an idea. Can you reach me?"

Samuel crawled forward until the chain tightened, then he stretched until he could just touch Adam. "Can you reach my wrist?" Adam asked.

Samuel leaned a little more, and touched Adam's wrist. "Okay," Adam said. "Now I need you to break it."

His eyes widened. "Break your wrist?"

Adam nodded. "I'll be able to slide out." Seeing the look on his face, he added, "Don't worry, I heal quickly. It's a long story, but I'm a vampire, as is your daughter. We heal fast."

Samuel looked surprised for one mili-second before he set his jaw. "If it will help my daughter. Are you ready?" Adam nodded. "Okay. 3, 2—"

Samuel twisted his wrist hard, and a small cry escaped Adam's lips as he heard the sickening crack, felt the shooting pain. His wrist went limp, and he slid it out of the chain easily. He told Samuel to twist it back into place, and waited only a moment to heal. "See?" He showed Scarlett's father his wrist. "All better."

Samuel looked fascinated. Adam looked back up at the other chain. There was no other way, he had to break that wrist too. Using his now free hand, he yanked it sharply to the side, biting his lip to keep from crying out. He slid his hand out, popped it into place, waited for it to heal, and then stood up.

Samuel was now back on the other wall. Rubbing his wrists, Adam examined the chains that bound him, and swore under his breath. "I can't get you out without breaking your—"

A sudden idea cut Adam off. "Mine were magic. But there's no need for magic chains on a human."

He sat next to Scarlett's father and grabbed his chain, planting his feet on the wall and pulling. Sure enough, it broke free. Samuel stared at Adam in disbelief. "How did you...?"

"No time to explain," Adam said, helping the man to his feet. "We have to help Scarlett."

•  •  •  •  •

James got lost multiple times in the maze of twisting halls and corridors. He opened many doors that held chained prisoners, and he wanted desperately to help them, but he couldn't break the chains, and he didn't have time to try. He tried to ignore the pleas for help, biting his lip. There's nothing you can do, he told himself. You have to help your friends.

Finally, he burst through a door that first appeared to have nothing in it until he saw the familiar flash of silver eyes and golden hair. "Ellie!"

Ellie's head snapped up. "James? What are you doing here? How did you—?"

"No time," he interrupted, leaning down next to her. He was so focused on getting to her that he hadn't thought about how he was going to get her out. "You can't break them," she whispered.

James glanced down at her. "Yes I can. There has to be a way."

"There's not." Her voice was still soft, and she looked up at him sadly through her long lashes. "Go, James. Save yourself. Please."

James shook his head. She was right, he couldn't get her out, but that didn't mean he was going to leave. Plopping down next to her, he said, "I'm not leaving you."

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