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it had been weeks since dan had started his new 'diet' which involved not eating at all and if food touched his mouth he'd end up throwing it up. his mother was barely around to even notice that his son was slowly giving up on himself.

as dan stood on the scale he wanted to scream. he would have if his mother wasn't asleep in the next room aside of the bathroom. dan then shook his thoughts off as he turned his gaze towards the number. 102 is what he weighed and dan wanted to scream at the top of his lungs why was he so fat? he thought as he got off of the scale.

((( also just remember you're all perfect just the way you are!! )))

then dan felt hot tears start falling out of his eyes. was starving himself not enough? he thought as the tears kept falling, dan craved to be skinny but distractions would make dan hesisatant to eat and it wouldn't be long until his mother asked him if he was hungry and then either way bring him food.

he didn't want that, he didn't want to feel the disguisting taste of the food he ate especially not when he hadn't lost any weight. as dan walked out of the bathroom his mother stopped him.

"here dan i bought some take out" she spoke as she put the takeout bag into his hands and then started walking away as dan did too walking into his room.

she had bought him a burger that's about 500 calories, he mentally calculated and fries are 200 calories, 700 calories in total whichh would go straight to his thighs.

if you eat it then you'll be even fatter than before, his mind told him.

dan didn't know what to do he was hungry but he didn't want to mess up his chances of being thin. so he ate. the 700 calories were barely consumed when dan's thoughts kicked in, once again.

look at yourself can't you see you're already fat enough

get rid of the food

do it you pig

as he walked out of his room he called out for his mom and with no response he figured she had left. perfect he thought and headed towards the bathroom, again. the bathroom was the only place that dan spent most of his time in. from throwing up to crying and other things. now dan found himself looking at his reflection in the mirror only to be disguisted with what he saw, fat.

now on his knees, trembling dan took two fingers and sticked them down his throat. he gagged a few times until he puked and then he was happy once again which never lasted long.


it was also saturday, the day pj and him were going to hang out outside of school for the first time.

two-thirty was exactly when pj got here but he wasn't alone he had brought along two of his friends. one of them seemed to be chris as pj always talked about him during lunch while dan kept silent and this was what there friend- ship was like. the other boy had black hair that complimented his blue eyes
and he was skinny just like pj and chris.

they were all skinny, while dan stood there probably looking like a pig.

"we'll dan this is chris" pj said as he pointed towards the brown haired boy and then moving his hand to the black haired boy and said,"and this is phil".

"uh hi i'm dan" dan awkwardly said while trying to smile, trying.

then they all had a small talk about stuff by talk i mean dan stayed silent while chris, pj and phil talked.


"we'll that was fun but i think we should go eat something, any suggestions?" chris said while looking at phil and pj and ignoring dan standing on the side.

"burger king" calories. way to many. dan thought but just stood there trying to show no emotion of what he was actually feeling at the moment.

"subway" calories. did they not think about that? dan thought no just you pig they're skinny you're the fat one his mind told him. (i've never had subway lol )

"alright that sounds good" they all agreed and dan just nodded


now that they all ordered something they sat a table and began to eat. well pj, chris and phil did while dan just stared at it.

"hey dan you going to eat that?" dan looked up it was chris. yes maybe. stop lying. okay maybe i could give to him. do that.


phil who was sitting next to him cut him off and to say," i think dan is going to eat it, it's been six hours since we've left his house and by now his probably hungry so chris the answer is yes" then he went back to eating.

chris pouted and pj whispered something in his ear and he let out a slight smile. now dan was back to debating weither or not to eat the sub.

he ended up eating it. all of it. once he was done he stood up and excused himself from the table to go into the public bathroom.

let it out now. wait. now. dan opened the stall and closed it once he was in it. he started to get on his knees and then after doing his process which involved gagging. flushing toilet. repeat until vomit comes out. when he finally puked he cleaned himself and just sat in the stall, not even thinking about what pj, chris and phil thought about him being in the stall for so long.

when dan did come out of the bathroom he noticed that only one person left in the whole place was phil. he looked up to meet dan's eyes and smiled dan tried to smile back but he let out a small grin.

"finally you're back i thought you ran out of the window or something" phil exclaimed while trying to start small talk.

"i'm sorry about that, about being late"

"it's fine really so do you want to walk home or i can call a cab?"

walk you pig it'll let you burn the calories. "walking is fine" he said and phil well he just nodded.

as they walked out of subway dan asked," where'd pj and chris go?"

"probably went to bang each other or something", then dan gasped.

"what really"

phil shook his head and chuckled," no but they'll probably end it up doing it one of these days with all that flirting they do"

"wow I didn't know they were dating"

"they're not but by the way they talk to each other, look at each other you can tell they have something special.

dan just awkwardly nodded as if he knew pj and chris that well and suddenly a wave of silence hit both of them and for a while it was quiet between the two until phil opened his mouth to speak.

"so dan tell me about yourself"

"i'm dan i like to listen to music and on school days i stay up late but always regret it the next day, i also hate school and my favorite color is black and as you see i'm not good at socializing".

"dan that's pretty interesting if you ask me" he's lying to you. he's just being nice.

" i guess it's your turn to tell me about yourse-"

"dan we have arrived to your house"

"bye phil talk to you some other time i suppose" just like that dan started walking away and into his house until he felt someone grab his wrist.

dan turned around, it was phil. what did he want, he thought but instead of ignoring him and going into his house he turned around to face phil.

"text or call me dan" phil said while handing dan a piece of paper that contained his phone number.

with that phil started walking away and dan was left bewildered that phil had given him his phone number but he shook his thoughts off and started heading into his house.

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